
Animals & Nature

She Brought Her Dog Into a Grocery Store. Is She a Jerk?

Are you one of those people who thinks it’s okay to bring your dog EVERYWHERE or do you find it to be a bit annoying? Yeah, folks seem to be pretty divided about that one… So is this woman an a**hole for taking her dog into a grocery store? Take a look at what she...

It Turns Out Those White Dots On Your Strawberries Aren’t Seeds At All

Have you ever looked down at your strawberry as you took a bite and thought to yourself, “what if those aren’t seeds after all?” Probably not, because they look like seeds, and it makes sense they would be seeds, so why would they be anything else? It turns out that your very innocent-looking fruit has been mocking you...

A Virgin Birth? Zookeepers Say Not In The Case Of A Female Gibbon Kept In Their Care.

Anyone with even a passing interest in biology or animals knows that, in extreme situations, there are more than a few species that can get creative when it comes to perpetuation. The people who handle the gibbons in this particular zoo say that’s not what happened here, though they did have a fine time solving...

Watch Divers Encounter A Giant Squid Off The Japanese Coast

Space might officially be the last frontier, but any scientists worth their salt will tell you that there are plenty of mysteries that remain right here on Earth – most of them deep under the ocean. We have no idea what might actually be down there, and even when it comes to things like this...

Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Telling His Co-Worker to Get Her Dog Out of His Cubicle

Get that filthy animal out of my space! Yowza! That sure doesn’t sound good, does it?!?! But was this guy justified in what he said? Check out his story below and see what you think. AITA for telling a coworker to get her s**tty dog out of my cube after she called me a weirdo?...

Is He Wrong for Choosing His Dog Over His Family? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Hey, dogs are family too, you know…? Well, at least I think they are… But everyone has different opinions on that kind of stuff. So did this guy too far when he chose his dog over his family? Read on to see what’s going on here… AITA for “choosing my dog over my family” by...

What’s Not as Dangerous as Everyone Thinks? Here’s What People Had to Say.

As a former resident of the city of Chicago (and I was just there a month ago visiting), I have to say that the Windy City’s reputation is blown way out of proportion. Yes, there are dangerous parts of town that most of us have absolutely no business going to, and there is a lot...

What Natural Thing Seems Fake? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? I have not…but every time I see photos of it, all I can think to myself is how it doesn’t even look REAL. Have you ever had that kind of reaction when you saw something? These AskReddit users have and they were nice enough to share their...