
Want a Professional-Looking Portrait? Grab Your iPhone and a Big Mac Box.

Image Credit: Instagram

Pretty much everyone carries around a nice camera these days, considering the quality of the ones built into our mobile devices. That said, many people still fork over quite a bit of cash to get professional photos done at least once a year, because great-looking pictures require great training, knowledge, and equipment…right?

Well, according to French celebrity photographer Philippe Echaroux, you can swap out your fancy DSLR for some creativity and still get an awesome result.

You see, recently embarked on a quest to take great quality images using ordinary objects in order to prove that you don’t need high-end gear to accomplish great photography. Though he did use VSCO, Photoshop FIX, and Lightroom Mobile to enhance the final images, they were taken on his phone, and made possible by the “proper lighting” that he rigged himself out of common, everyday items.

So, what items did he use? A sandwich box and drinking straw from McDonalds, his iPhone, and a flashlight. 

Photo Credit: Instagram

Check out the photos below for a look at the assembled set-up, and how he used it during the process.

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

Now, keep scrolling to take a peek at some of his finished product. 

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: Instagram

Go forth and create, my friends!

h/t: Bored Panda

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