
25 People Share Their Absolute All-Time Favorite Answers

We spend a lot of time on Reddit asking questions, right? People come up with some great ones that keep us on our toes and our brains sharp, and we all have our favorite ones that we keep for parties and getting to know new people. Have you ever spent time thinking about your favorite...

6 Riddles That Are Fun Brain Teasers To Solve

What is a day without riddles? A sad one! Make today happy and solve these 6 riddles of the day right now! #6. Exactly the same. #5. A cat and 3 kittens. #4. Shorter with age. #3. Invisible to you. #2. Fathers and sons. #1. A heavy butcher? Continue reading to check your answers!

14 People Recall the Creepiest Thing They Have Ever Experienced

While not everyone can be a great storyteller, just about everybody has to have a good, campfire-worthy, creepy story from their life. These AskReddit posts are no exception. Some of them start out super-spooky, but have logical explanations. Some remain unsolved, or imply a sprinkle or two of the supernatural. Some are a crazy mix...

Woman Shares Some Wild “Twilight” Theories That Might Make You Rethink Everything

Love it or hate it – or even if you’ve never read or seen it – there’s a great chance that you have an opinion on Twilight. Somehow this novel about a teen romance with a vampire has worked its way into our popular culture conscience, and no, it’s probably never going away. Which is why...

15 People Talk About the Stupidest Answers They’ve Ever Heard to Real Questions

My friend told me a story about an ex-girlfriend once that I never forgot. One time he asked her, “if you could time travel to any point in history, where would you go?” Her answer: “the moon.” Ouch…that’s pretty rough. Want some more of that variety? Here are some cringe-worthy answers from AskReddit users. 1....

17 Cringeworthy Ways Parents Found out Their Child Is No Longer a Virgin.

The story of losing your virginity may include that very embarrassing part when your parents unexpectedly walked in on you. The situation only gets worse when they’re not your parents but your partner’s catching you boinking their precious child. Sometimes before you’ve even met them. Parents find out their kid(s) is no longer innocent to...

14 People Talk About the Scariest Thing That Woke Them Up in the Middle of the Night

It’s always pretty terrifying to be woken up by something that goes BUMP in the night, isn’t it? Almost 100% of the time, you know it’s just the house creaking or your cat rummaging around, but every once in a while…something sinister is going on. Have you ever been woken up by something scary in...

18 Inedible Things People Would Nosh If They Could

One of the things I find most charming about Reddit is how people come up with questions that are totally random, completely impossible, and not anything I would have thought of or considered on my own. This question, which is “if everything in the world that’s inedible became edible, what would you eat first,” definitely...

15 People Talk About the Movies They Think Are Simply Amazing

What are some of your favorite movies? Films that you think are perfect in every way? Some of mine are Taxi Driver, The Terminator, In Cold Blood, Election…I could go on and on… I love movies, what can I say?!?! AskReddit users talked about movies they think are amazing. Let’s see what they had to say....

If You’re Looking for a Way to Break Your Smartphone Habit, This New App Has Your Back

It’s not a well-kept secret that our smartphones were designed to be addictive, and phone companies’ success at achieving that has many people calling smartphone addiction a growing threat to public health. You probably know this from your own usage, even if you don’t want to admit it. Maybe you even try your best to...

She Threw Out Her Hamburger After Someone Took a Bite Out of It. Was She a Jerk?

I don’t know about you but the only people who are getting a bite out of my food are folks who have my PERMISSION. What a concept, right? And if you happen to take a bite out of my food without me saying so, we’re gonna have a major problem, folks. Never touch a man’s...

Sneaky Professor Catches Cheaters by Setting up a Fake Answer Key Online

Cheating is a problem that teachers have to deal with – no matter how hard teachers try, kids are gonna find a way around the rules. And I imagine that the advent of the internet has only made students more creative and harder to catch. But don’t worry, because cheaters aren’t going to get away...

This Neat Map of Indigenous Lands Shows Whose Property You’re Currently Squatting On

In recent years Thanksgiving, Columbus Day and the way we teach colonization of the Americas in general have all come under scrutiny, and for good reason — they often negate the presence and persecution of Indigenous people. Luckily, more and more communities are trying to be more culturally empathetic — for example, many now choose...

He Made His GF Go After Her Baby Daddy for Child Support. Did He Go Too Far?

Go get that cash, girl! Okay, I’m paraphrasing, but the guy who wrote this story basically said something along those lines…and now he wants to know if he acted like an a**hole. Read on to see what you think! AITA for making my girlfriend go after her baby daddy for child support and “ruining” his...