
12 People Share The Dumbest Way They’ve Hurt Themselves

It goes without saying that some humans are clumsier than others, whether it’s due to a natural lack of coordination or a tendency to not pay attention. That said, everyone hurts themselves in stupid ways from time to time, because we’re, well, human. What's the stupidest injury you've ever occurred? I'll go first: I popped...

Did This Woman Overreact To Her Stepdaughter Wanting To Take Over Her Office?

No one who has been part of a blended family would ever say the road was easy. That said, parenting of any kind can be a rough road now and then, so I’m not sure being related by blood really matters on most (if any) days. This woman has been a stepmother since her partner’s...

Police Call for People to Return Lost Cash After $30,000 Flies off a Man’s Truck

What would you do if $30,000 came rolling down the street? Grab as much as you can and go? Yeah, exactly. A man accidentally left a box with $30,000 in cash on the bumper of his truck in Grand Haven, Michigan. He drove off, and the money went flying across the road. Other drivers promptly...

12 People Share What They Think We’re Definitely Not in the Golden Age Of

You hear a lot of references to “the golden age of” this or that. Of Hollywood, television, literature, whatever. But I think we can all agree that we’re definitely not in the golden age of a whole lot of things at the moment. People on AskReddit shared what they think we’re NOT in the golden...

This Vintage Vampire-Slaying Kit Sells for $3,185 at Auction

Vampires still somehow creep their way into TV shows and movies decades after they made their on-screen debut. And while we associate vampires with actors, at one time, people literally believed these blood-thirsty creatures walked the Earth. Naturally, that necessitated vampire hunters to protect the world from these monsters, right? Of course, these professionals needed...

18 People Share the Coolest Dinosaur Fact They Know

Kids who grow up obsessed with dinosaurs never loser their interest in the far-off past. If you need proof of this statement, just look at the popularity of the enduring (and still going) Jurassic Park franchise! For some reason it’s not “cool” for adults to love talking about dinosaurs, but I say it’s about time...

22 True Stories About Awful Co-workers You’d Totally Want to Strangle

I’ve been very lucky that I’ve never had to work with anyone particularly terrible (lurv ya dyk!), but I have gotten some crazy jobs off of Craigslist before. The Craigslist job market is a very weird place, and, if you get into it, you will find yourself doing very weird things for money. Like I said...

Man Told His Neighbor Off After an Argument. Was He Wrong?

It’s starting to sound like the Hatfields and the McCoys out there! Every time I turn around, I feel like I hear about another story of neighbors gone wild. And here’s another one! So hang on tight… It comes to us from Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page…let’s take a look at what went down....

11 Old-Fashioned Words That Are Totally Hilarious

There’s a certain amount of nostalgia that goes along with the past, but I have to say, they really had language nailed down. Their terms were funnier, and meant hilariously specific things, and once you read through this list, I really don’t think you can disagree. These 11 terms will instantly make you the funniest...

Man Installs Electric Fence To Keep Kids Off His Lawn And People Are Divided

GET OFF MY LAWN! How many times did you hear that when you were growing up? I think all of us heard this at least a few times when grumpy neighbors (usually of the elderly variety) would lose their shit if you set foot on their closely-guarded property. But one man in Virginia took it...

17 Really Bizarre Things People Have Said in Their Sleep

I am not someone who talks in my sleep, but my best friend is, and let me tell you, there’s nothing quite so disconcerting as waking up in the middle of the night to someone in the middle of a completely weird conversation with you. I always think these stories are so hilarious – and...

16 Lawyers Remember the One Case They’ll Always Regret Winning

Lawyers like to win. It’s kind of their job. If I needed a lawyer, I’d want one with an overwhelmingly positive win to loss ratio. Wouldn’t you? So, it would stand to reason that most lawyers remember the cases they lost with a fair amount of regret. But that doesn’t make for a good article....

13 People Who Quit Their Toxic Jobs Share How It’s Going Now

Making yourself go to work somewhere you cannot stand, every single day, has a way of wearing on a person. You might see the effects physically, mentally, emotionally, or all three, but there’s almost no chance that you’ll feel happy and satisfied after spending your days and nights in a place you hate. These 13...

Can You Solve These 5 Fun Riddles?

I mean, who doesn’t want to think they’re a genius, if only for a day? If you can solve all 5 of these, we’ll give you the title – so give it a go!   #5. The Hiding Turkey It’s a week before Thanksgiving, and a sly turkey is hiding from the family set on...