You know all those little packets of moisture absorbing silica gel that falls out of new boxes of shoes, electronics, big bags of rice…really all kinds of stuff? These little packets that tell you 1) not to eat them and 2) to throw them away?
Well, definitely don’t eat them, but don’t throw them away either – they can be repurposed and used for all kinds of things. Those packets are practically gold!
Here are some ways you can save these tiny dehumidifiers from the landfill and improve your own quality of life.
1. Keep your gym bag free from odor.
Throw a few packs in your gym bag with your stinky clothes and gear. They will absorb odor so you won’t recoil in disgust when you open it later.

Photo Credit: Flickr
2. Keep your razors from rusting.
No matter how thoroughly you think you dry your razors, you’re bound to miss some moisture. Store them with a silica gel packet to absorb water droplets.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia
3. Keep rust off your tools.
Live in Arizona? No? Your garage is practically a rainforest then, and if that’s where you keep your tools, you’ll need some packs to stop them from rusting.

Photo Credit: Flickr
4. Keep your pantry fresher.
Tuck some packs into your pantry or cupboard where you keep your spices, flour and potatoes.

Photo Credit: Flickr
5. Keep your expensive headphones from getting smelly.
Prevent your audio investment – before storing, go ahead and tuck packs into each “ear” of your over-the-ear headphones. It helps after they’ve spent a few hours near the warm, moist heat of your body.

Photo Credit: Flickr
6. In wet weather, use to protect chargers and cords.
If your staring down the barrel of a big storm and you need to keep electronic accessories dry, zip them away in a waterproof bag with a few packets for extra insurance.

Photo Credit: Pxhere
7. Protect photos
Remember printed photos? Remember your old box of printed photos? Whoopsie. Find that box and throw in some packets to keep them free from moisture damage.

Photo Credit: Pixabay
8. Get the musty smell out of your old books.
Old book smell is delicious. Musty, moldy smells? Not so much. If one of your books gets too much of a good thing, zip it in a bag with a few packets and wait a month. The offending smell should be gone.

Photo Credit: Pixabay
9. Use for storing seeds.
Gather seeds from your annuals and store them in a jar with a packet. Come spring, you’ll be ready to garden.

Photo Credit: Pixnio
10. Protect your silver jewelry from tarnish.
After wearing, clean your silver pieces and store it in your jewelry box with a couple of packets to keep them shiny and ready for next time.

Photo Credit: Pxfuel
See? Those little packets of silica gel are miracle workers. And if they don’t seem to be working, stick them in the oven on a cookie sheet on low heat for an hour or two or put them outside on a sunny afternoon. The moisture will get baked out, and they’ll be good as new and ready to reuse again!