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The internet is a place where you can find just about anything you want. There are facts, history, stories, politics, angry shouting between members of your family, shocking takes by the people you went to high school with, plenty of cats – and best of all, there are jokes.
Because what is the rest of it worth, really, if we can’t laugh at the end of the day?
If that’s where you’re at right now, if you’re ready for some giggles, hold on just a second – we’ve got 10 jokes we think are going to work their magic.
10. It is, indeed.
Someone is ready for the dad joke Olympics.

Image Credit: Someecards
9. In 2021, it definitely is.
You both know you were just done talking and this is the easiest way out.

Image Credit: Someecards
8. That’s quite a few people.
All worth knowing, to be sure.

Image Credit: Someecards
7. That always sounds appealing.
I’m just being honest.

Image Credit: Someecards
6. Seems like a fair trade-0ff.
Probably not the same results, though.

Image Credit: Someecards
5. None of it has been the best.
No one takes care of me anymore and it stinks.

Image Credit: Someecards
4. They know about hackers, ok.
Not actually, but in theory.

Image Credit: Someecards
3. It’s pretty blissful, I’m not going to lie.
I really with that my 3yo would give it a try.

Image Credit: Someecards
2. It’s so delicious, too.
It can be a snack! Breakfast! Lunch! Take your pick!

Image Credit: Someecards
1. It’s not a job for everyone.
But it does seem like it’s the job for way too many people.

Image Credit: Someecards
Most of the time I cannot with people, but I mean. They are sort of funny sometimes, too.
What’s your favorite of these tweets? Let us know in the comments and then pass it along to a friend!