Movie magic is REAL, people.
We see things in movies and we totally fall for them. But that’s kind of the point, right? We’re supposed to think they’re real.
But sometimes the magic is so good we get blindsided when we find out that we were completely fooled.
It’s in that spirit that we present some folks from the Buzzfeed Community who were tricked, bamboozled and snowed.
1. Not a twin sister.

Photo Credit: Buena Vista
“My dad always thought Lindsay Lohan had a twin, and it was only a few years ago that I told him she was NOT a twin. He didn’t believe me until I showed him all the proof.”
2. That’s not Zac singing.

Photo Credit: Disney
“When I found out Drew Seeley was Troy Bolton’s singing voice in High School Musical, I was shocked. Zac Efron’s lip-synching was so convincing, I would’ve never caught on.”
3. Also not singing…

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.
Audrey Hepburn was not singing in My Fair Lady. It was actually a woman named Marni Nixon.
4. Say what?!?!

Photo Credit: Marvel
“I was totally shocked when I watched Tom Holland do an interview and he started talking in a British accent.”
5. You fooled me.

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures
The older version of Geena Davis’ character in A League of Their Own was not played by Davis, but by Lynn Cartwright.
6. That’s wild.

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.
Shirley Henderson was 37-years-old when she played Moaning Myrtle in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
7. Not the Fab Four’s voices in Yellow Submarine.

Photo Credit: United Artists
“The guys who actually did the voice acting sounded so similar!”
8. Say it ain’t so!

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures
The filmmakers who made Babe had to use 48 different piglets because they all grew so fast.
9. I thought it was at least a lake…

Photo Credit: 20th Century Studios
The scene where Leo freezes to death in Titanic was filmed in a swimming pool.
10. Fooled by The Princess Diaries.

Photo Credit: Disney
“I thought Genovia was a real country until my freshman year of college. Some girls and I were sitting around our dorm talking about the top places we wanted to visit, and I legitimately said Genovia was at the top of my list. Someone had to break it to me that it was totally fake. I’m still upset about it to this day!”
Do you know of any movie tricks that a lot of people have fallen for?
Share them with us in the comments, please!