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What is the coolest website you’ve visited that no one knows about?
A few weeks that question was posted to AskReddit and the comments piled up. Seems as if a lot of Redditors have their obscure favorites they’re willing to share. So, if you’re deciding between getting off the computer to try your hand at a sourdough starter or staying on to find more rabbit holes, might I suggest the rabbit holes?
Here are 10 of them ripe for exploring…
1. Addictive pics of people you will never see IRL.

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It shows you a computer generated image of a person every time you refresh.
Sometimes there are some weird artifacts in the images but often they look very real.
2. Build your own nation. BRB.

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Online nation simulator. The core of the game is pretty simple; answer multiple-choice issues that appear once every 6 hours. Depending on what you pick, the stats of your nation (everything from cheese exports to citizen rudeness) will change.
The fun really starts on the forums, IMO.
3. Create your own The Princess Bride-based film festival.

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You watched a movie that you loved? With this website you can input a film and it’ll give you similar ones.
Apart from that, you can also get movies that fall into one same category.
4. A scale model of the solar system.

Photo Credit: Single Pixel Moon
Single pixel moon…
5. Excellent television.

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This is a fun, novelty website where you can easily lose yourself for hours with nostalgia. Basically it uses YouTube videos to simulate watching TV in 90s and allows you to specify the year you want, along with what categories you want to see when you change channels.
There is also a My 80s TV and a My 70s TV
For those of you that think it doesn’t work on mobile because of what it says, it totally does. Just make sure to turn the TV on with either power button.
6. One click will tell you all you need to know.

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Ever wondered if DMX was in jail?
Yeah, it’s updated.
7. For hex code addicts.

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It looks different on a computer compared to mobile, but it’s a clock that cycles through hex codes for colors every second!
8. For people who want to pretend they’re hackers.

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Hack the system like in NCIS.
9. Make birthday gifts for your friends.

Photo Credit: GIFprint
It takes a gif and makes you a printable flipbook!
10. Portraits of presidents holding hams.

Photo Credit: Presidential Ham
My high school substitute’s son is an artist who painted each US President holding a ham.
I have no idea why, but I go there sometimes for a laugh.
My hope is that this list of cool websites will stop you from cutting your own hair or finding your old clarinet. Maybe it will even inspire you to embrace your own weird and build a website that does something cool.
Have other websites you go to for laughs or hours of entertainment?
Let us know in the comments.