We all have plenty of feelings about the year 2020. The highs (remember January?), the lows (remember the murder hornets?), and everything in between.
If I wasn’t laughing, I would be crying. So let’s fight back the tears with these 11 “if 2020 was a…” memes that sum up how we feel about this year.
1. You can’t unsee this
Although I wish I could
2. So. Disappointing.
Barely enough for one scoop of guacamole.
3. Is that even enough for one hit?
I wouldn’t know…
4. Please don’t use that
Let’s be real, if 2020 were toilet paper, someone wold be hoarding it.
5. Not-cho regular nacho
Ew. Just ew.
6. Alright, it’s your turn…
Go on now…give it a whirl…
7. NO
8. Why does this exist?
Who MADE this?
9. Gag
Yummmm, tastes like vomit.
10. I just threw up
This is absolutely disgusting.
11. Mmmm, smells like sh^t
With a hint of burnt plastic.
I don’t know which is worse, a bowl full of milky cigarettes butts or a chair covered in shards of pointy glass.
Oh wait, yes I do. 2020. That’s what’s worse.
In fact, the best thing to come out of 2020 may be these memes.
Which meme most accurately describes your 2020 experience? Let us know in the comments.