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In the world of dating, it seems to be more common for older men to date younger women than vice versa. That said, a huge age gap is typically cause for an eyebrow raise no matter the gender disbursement in a relationship, if you ask me.
That said, maybe I just don’t understand. If you’re curious what makes older women want to jump into a relationship with a younger man, these 11 women are getting real!
11. It’s important to be self-aware.
Then you can decide whether or not you want to change.

Image Credit: Whisper
10. I don’t think that would stop older men from being interested.
I’m just saying.

Image Credit: Whisper
9. Both are fair reasons.
You gotta go you, girl.

Image Credit: Whisper
8. They probably have less of other things, too.
Like maturity and money.

Image Credit: Whisper
7. There is that.
It can get a little tiring after awhile, though.

Image Credit: Whisper
6. I suppose it depends on the dude.
Some people desire a realistic outlook on life.

Image Credit: Whisper
5. Spread those wings and fly.
Just be careful before you decide to land.

Image Credit: Whisper
4. To the best of us.
But don’t you want to be on the same page?

Image Credit: Whisper
3. You have to see it to believe it.
It doesn’t sound like she has any regrets.

Image Credit: Whisper
2. This part is definitely true.
And being well-matched in this area is important!

Image Credit: Whisper
1. I mean…they can’t be that much younger, right?
I’m just saying.

Image Credit: Whisper
Some of this totally makes sense, as long as things aren’t meant to get serious.
Do you enjoy dating someone younger? Older? Tell us which and why in the comments!