
12 People Talk About Really Nice Things That Folks Have Done for Them

Have you ever had someone do something really nice for you that you carried with you since then?

It’s a great feeling to make someone’s days, and it’s also great when you’re on the receiving end of that generosity.

So let’s get wholesome, shall we?

AskReddit users shared their stories about the nicest thing someone has ever done for them.

1. At the movies.

“I took my sister whose in a wheelchair to the cinema for the first time on my own. At the end, I realized I could’t undo the brakes, because it was a new wheelchair, and was blocking everyone.

I felt like crying because I thought everyone was p*ssed at me, but some nice lady helped me, then took me and my sister out. She said she once had a son who needed a wheelchair.

This was long ago but I’ll never forget.”

2. Saved from a creep.

“I was at a bar/restaurant in Boston by myself on a Friday night. It was 7pm, so just enjoying a nice dinner by myself before heading back to my hotel. There was a man – with a wedding ring on -who asked me if the seats next to me were taken, I told him no and him and his friends sat down.

He eventually started chatting with me and it was friendly, but then he started hitting on me. I brushed him off he slightly backed off and then started eating French fries off of my plate.

I pushed the plate away and ask the bartender for my check. I was in the last seat at the bar so I had no where to go other than to wait and the bar was packed. The guy tells me I’m beautiful and asks if I want to go back to my hotel with him, I told him No.

He asked again, I told him I was married and he said “so? So am I.” All of the sudden this voice says to me “Oh my god! What are you doing here? I haven’t seen you in so long!” And a woman hugged me.

This woman and I chatted and pretended we were old friends while I paid, she then walked with me to my Uber to make sure I got into it safely and that he didn’t follow me. I don’t know where this woman is now – but she made me feel safe.”

3. Homeless.

“My ex and I were homeless, living in a tent about 50ft off the train tracks in our city and had been living that way for quite a while. It was a constant struggle to dig ourselves out of our rut. When I found out I was pregnant 6 weeks earlier, we worked even harder to get out of that situation.

He eventually found stable work, and I continued applying for housing help during the day as my pregnancy was extremely high risk and I couldn’t work.

One evening a cop came out to trespass us from the spot we were camping at. We explained we needed just two weeks to get a paycheck for a motel and we would be out of there and begged him to give us more time.

He couldn’t do that, but instead of sending us packing, he left my husband at the campsite to pack up and took me to the nearby motel that sat on a central bus line. Out of his own pocket, he paid for the forst month of our stay at that motel, and gave us a little bit extra for personal necessities.

I’ll never, ever, forget his kindness. It, literally, changed our entire lives and eventually led to us finding an apartment we could afford on our own before we eventually went our separate ways to our current co-parenting relationship.”

4. That was close.

“Almost got hit by a fast moving car. A kind officer got me out the way.

He told me his name was David. Thanks, David. I will always remember you.”

5. Flat tire.

“I got my first flat tire last summer and my car didn’t have a spare.

I was stuck at a gas station waiting for my boyfriend to drive the half hour to me so I could go buy a new one. Some stranger with the same car as mine stopped and offered me his spare since he was getting a new car.

It saved my broke college self from having to spend $100 on a new tire and another person helped us put it back on!”

6. Foot problems.

“I was born with ridiculously short Achilles’ tendons.

By the age of 8, I was being bullied for how I walked on the balls of my feet. I was sent to a surgeon who said he could cut the tendons, but he didn’t want to do that. He said my feet would flop around for life. He suggested leg braces and ballet to stretch the tendons.

My parents immediately found a local dance studio. I hated the leg braces but loved dance. I worked really hard. Within 4 years I was put en pointe and earned a spot as a Jr. member of a ballet company. We were living on a very tight budget, yet somehow they always managed to pay for all of my classes for years.

I now proudly have a BA in Dance. My tuition was paid for in Grants and Scholarships. My parents changed my life by putting me in Ballet and Theatre. I still have short Achilles’ tendons, but not nearly as severe. That was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.

I’m still a dancer 41 years later from that first class.”

7. A helping hand.

“There is this married couple that really helped us when we were in a bad situation.

We were essentially homeless (living in a crappy motel) they sent my kids to summer camp, helped me get my car back on the road, brought us food and school supplies for the kids. When we were lucky enough to find a house we could afford, with our tax return as the down payment, they brought their truck to help me pick up the used appliances I bought and helped set them up.

I don’t talk to them nearly enough, I need to message them now.”

8. Money was tight.

“In 8th grade my parents were separated and money was a huge issue. At school there was this bully who we will call Micheal. Micheal would pick on my every day and he would always make fun of the way I dressed or what I brought for lunch. (We didn’t have much so I didn’t eat a lot)

At one point my family couldn’t afford to send me to school with money and I had to start eating bag lunches at school. (They were for the kids who couldn’t buy lunch. It was an apple and a turkey sandwich and a milk.) Micheal noticed this and quit making fun of what i ate and wore.

After a week or so I started finding a $20 bill stuck in my locker every week. I started to wonder who it was and I got to school early to find micheal putting the money in my locker. I confronted him about it and he said he realized I had a lot going on at home and even though he hated me, he still wanted to see me eat.

Me and him have been friends ever since.”

9. A very hard time.

“When my daughter passed away at 3 months old, my husband and I were really poor and struggling and we felt like the sh*ttiest humans ever because we didn’t know how we would pay for her funeral.

My MIL drove down to us, helped with all the arrangements and my SIL covered everything. My aunt arranged a memorial at her house for the closest family. No one ever mentioned money, paying back etc.

It was such a horrible, unimaginable thing that happened and our family really banded together to help us without making us feel even more worthless.”

10. It’s on us.

“I went on a Homecoming date and order a bunch of food.

This old couple ended up buying our dinner because we reminded them of what they used to look like. I’m very grateful because didn’t have enough money to pay for dinner.

I was maybe $30 short. Still with the girl 3 years later.”

11. A gentleman.

“I was hugely pregnant and had very young children with me. We went to a free exhibit at an aquarium down town, I was unfamiliar with the area but found free parking several blocks away. (I was broke so finding a free exhibit with free parking was really a special outing for us.)

After the exhibit my young children and I started walking towards the car, but couldn’t find it. I figured I had gotten turned around and so we returned to the aquarium and started walking in the other direction, but still couldn’t find the car. We went back and started out in a third direction, still unable to find our car. It had started to rain and we were just lost.

A homeless man had been watching us, we had passed by him multiple times in our search. He told me he remembered seeing us first go in to the aquarium hours ago and what direction he saw us come from.

He offered to walk down that way and look for our car for us so we didn’t have to be walking around aimlessly till the car was located. I thanked him but turned his offer down, not wanting to send this homeless man out into the rain. He told me he was impressed with how well behaved my children were and he offered a dollar to buy them a candy bar.

I couldn’t accept, I mean how horrible of a person would I be to take money from someone who clearly needed it more than me – but he insisted. He said the dollar wouldn’t save him from being homeless but buying my kids a candy bar for being so patient and well behaved would make him feel normal and some days he just needed to feel normal.

It was an act of kindness I will never forget. I think of that gentleman often.”

12. Kindness.

“Was given a car by a former coworker. At the time I was walking or riding my bike eight miles one way just to get to work and then another eight miles to get back home. When working with her she asked if I wanted a car, thought she was joking but said yes.

About two weeks later she said her husband had this old car that he fixed up and is ready for me. From there she had me meet up at a notary and all I paid was for a title transfer and tax which only came around $150.

It wasn’t the nicest car but it worked and was road legal for the state I live in. Car lasted a year but still to this day I am forever grateful someone would gift me something that truly helped out tremendously. The only catch was whenever I’m able to, to pass along a good deed. I’ve tried to pass this on a couple times but whenever possible I still try to help those who need it.

I know she’s not on here but I sincerely appreciate all the help Debby and I wish only the best for you and your family. I’m still working on passing along good deeds as we have agreed.

Thank you so much for your kindness especially during a time in my life where I thought there was little hope.”

Okay, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us the nicest thing a person has ever done for you.

We can’t wait to hear from you.