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Having a bad day? Never fear, more memes are here!
Check out these 13 memes that’ll help cheer you up if you’re down in the dumps.
1. Oh my goodness
Anything is possible in this job market, but who wouldn’t give the gig to a face like that?

Image Credit: someecards
2. The next sci-fi blockbuster
Grasshoppers, coming soon to a streaming platform near you.

Image Credit: someecards
3. LOL
This is the true mood of 2020.

Image Credit: someecards
4. That’s punny
Looks like this pup needs to learn some self-control.

Image Credit: someecards
5. Same
I’m ready for my first Birkin bag.

Image Credit: someecards
6. Um
Run for the hills? Call the authorities? Say a prayer and grab a baseball bat?

Image Credit: someecards
7. Been here far too many times
I’m sorry, friends, but we definitely do not sound like Mariah Carey.

Image Credit: someecards
8. Wow
Oversharing on social media might be the least of these folks’ problems if they’re traveling excessively right now.

Image Credit: someecards
9. An inconvenient truth
We all want to be Daria, but let’s be honest with ourselves. We’re Tina. Time to update my friend-fiction.

Image Credit: someecards
10. This is jarring
That’s the power of carnitas, baby.

Image Credit: someecards
11. Influencer status
You’re lying if you say you’ve never legitimately run your own cooking show in your head.

Image Credit: someecards
12. Excuse you?
Say it louder for everybody in the back.

Image Credit: someecards
13. We all know that feeling
This is exactly why Anne Hathaway is consistently one of the most relatable A-lister, multi-millionaire celebrities.

Image Credit: someecards
Here’s hoping that those memes gave you a good belly laugh. It’s nice to know that even in a world so dark, there are still plenty of new memes to brighten things up.
What are some of the funniest memes you’ve seen lately? Share them with us in the comments!