Okay, okay, I know that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a serious and debilitating illness, and that we shouldn’t throw around the term OCD for things that just make us all a little uncomfortable in their imperfection. But if you like things just so, and could never sit in a room with a crooked picture without hopping up to straighten it, etc etc etc, then buckle up for these 13 photos.
They’re going to drive you nuts.
#13. I demand an explanation.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#12. Think of the children!

Photo Credit: Reddit
#11. Why in the world…

Photo Credit: Reddit
#10. Didn’t go so well, huh buddy?

Photo Credit: Reddit
#9. *shudder*

Photo Credit: Reddit
#8. This is the food of a monstrous person.

Photo Credit: Imgur
#7. *crosses self*

Photo Credit: Reddit
#6. I would like to be surprised. But.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#5. When murder is justified.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#4. Why why WHY do people bring tablets and record concerts? ENJOY THE MOMENT.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#3. I seem to have a twitch.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#2. How can you live with yourself?

Photo Credit: Reddit
#1. There’s a special place in hell for people who make this “toilet paper.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
(h/t: Buzzfeed)
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