I actually had to look up what “cosplay” was because I’m old and stupid, but once I did, I knew this article was going to be hilarious.

Get ready for great stories of the cringiest interactions cosplayers of AskReddit have experienced at events. Nerd alert!

1. Black Cat

Was cosplaying Black Cat from Spider-Man. It was a very tight and form fitting costume and I opted not to wear underwear because you could very clearly see the lines in the costume if I did. Had a guy come up behind me and unzip my suit , which wouldn’t have been so bad if the zipper didn’t go all the way down to the bottom of my ass. For about 10 seconds my pale back and ass was very much exposed.

2. Abducted

I WITNESSED a pedobear cosplay throw a little girl over his shoulder and run off. Little girl was fine but later told me and the group we’d been dancing with she didn’t know the guy. So that’s pretty….yeah..

3. First timer

So I went to my first con a few years ago…I wasn’t brave enough to dress up so I wanted to take pics etc. I saw a really amazing Doctor Who cosplay so I asked him for a hug and pic. He was really enthusiastic about it and we had a pic ready to go until I heard a gruff “hurry up other people want a hug too”, this large middle age lady in a tight ass tank top was giving us this glare.

Legit the cosplayer went from happy to miserable as soon as we took a pic. Like….holy cow the cosplayers arnt props, they’re people. Don’t demand physical contact you have to ask. He definitely didn’t give up a hug for her.

This year I’ll be doing a dress up cosplay and I hope that I’ll be fine.


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