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You consider yourself a “punny” guy or gal? Do you like to have a little bit of fun with words and language?
Then these tweets are definitely for you. There’s a joke that’s been going around for a while, asking “What idiot called it…” then punning your way into history. It’s one of those memes that unleashes all kinds of creative minds with hilarious ideas and responses.
Take a look and prepare to get wacky!
1. Trick or treatment.
2. I see what you did there…
3. Another gem right there.
4. Resisting a rest.
5. Ain’t that the truth?
6. Blue genes for the win.
7. I love this one.
8. Ring a ding ding.
9. Absolutely genius.
10. Thank you!
11. Go see the dogtor.
12. Crazy about the moon.
13. Climb on the boatercycle.
14. The work of a true artist.
15. And, let’s end with a real winner.
I must say, I am pretty impressed with this wordplay.
Do you have any solid contributions to this thread? Let’s see them in the comments!