
15 People Share Profound Words They Heard That Changed Their Way of Thinking


Sometimes in life, you have a conversation or you hear or read something that completely changes your perspective and makes you re-evaluate the way you think about something.

Those moments are unforgettable, and AskReddit users shared their personal experiences.

1. Don’t be afraid

“I was 13 years old, trying to teach my 6 year old sister how to dive into a swimming pool from the side of the pool. It was taking quite a while as my sister was really nervous about it. We were at a big, public pool, and nearby there was a woman, about 75 years old, slowly swimming laps. Occasionally she would stop and watch us. Finally she swam over to us just when I was really putting the pressure on, trying to get my sister to try the dive, and my sister was shouting, “but I’m afraid!! I’m so afraid!!” The old woman looked at my sister, raised her fist defiantly in the air and said, “So be afraid! And then do it anyway!”

That was 35 years ago and I have never forgotten it. It was a revelation — it’s not about being unafraid. It’s about being afraid and doing it anyway.”

2. This is a good one

“Don’t be a d*ck to your dog. He’s a few years of your life, but you are all of his.”

3. Do whatever you want

“You’re going to die one day. We all are. Do everything you want to do. Don’t wind up on your death bed one day thinking of all the things you didn’t do because assholes might have an asshole opinion about it. They’re just jealous anyways.”

~ My grandpa at 89 years old; a few months before he died 12 years ago.

And that’s the real quote. It was on video.”

4. Words of wisdom

“You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm”.

Really hit home for me, since I grew up trying to mediate my parents’ issues and had multiple friends in and out of the ER for mental health crises during my teen years, among other things. As someone who spent the majority of her life feeling like she had to take care of others at all costs, it was kinda a shock to the system to hear that I was allowed to have my limits even with people who truly needed help.”

5. Stay in school

“Education is expensive, but no education is more expensive”. Definitely took school more seriously after someone said that to me.”

6. True

“Shouting a person into silence does not mean you have shouted them into agreement.”

Forgot who originally said this, so I cannot give proper credit.”

7. Giving

“I learned to give… not because I have too much. But because I know how it feels to have nothing.”

8. Think about it

“Your job will never love you.”

It made me really reconsider being so
emotionally invested in it.”

9. Never give it back

“My dad once gave me and my brother each a dollar out of nowhere. I scoffed and said “Dad its just a dollar, you keep it.” He got really mad and said “Never try to give anything back that someone gives you. It could be all they have to give and a huge sacrifice to them.” I felt like such a dick. And I could really use that dollar right now.”

10. You deserve it

“Having grown up somewhat poor, I was always insecure when going to nice places…felt out of place and not as good as the other people there.

Out on a date at a nice restaurant once and the guy I was with said something along the lines of, “You’re paying for your meal just like everyone else here…You deserve to be here just as much as they do.”

I still get insecure sometimes, but I always think back to this and feel instantly better about myself.”

11. Live it up

“We’re all tired, we all just want to sit on our couch in front of our TV’s. But that’s not living, man.

-My buddy, when I told him I didn’t want to go out because I’d had a long day.

This is a philosophy I live by now. My life is so much better for it.”

12. Good point

“I’d rather live a life of ‘oh wells’ than ‘what ifs?'”

13. You’re part of it

“You aren’t IN traffic, you ARE traffic.”

14. Gentle

“When I was in college a friend of mine told me I was gentle.

After being called sensitive all my life up until that point, and not in a good way, hearing that made me feel a lot better about myself.”

15. No one will remember

“If you’re scared of doing it because you’re afraid that people will judge you, trust me they won’t even remember it after a year.”
Something like that. Made me a little daredevillish.”