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#5. Okay, well that’s just sad.
We celebrate the dog’s birthday every year, which is also my birthday! We have to share one bone shaped cake. #MyFamilyIsWeird
— 2muchHaT (@2muchHaT) November 16, 2016
#4. Every family has one.
My father in law was so cheap, he washed paper plates. #MyFamilyIsWeird
— Pamela Winn (@pswinnauthor) November 19, 2015
#3. That’s not weird, it’s just responsible.
My grandma was completely silent on Space Mountain at Disney. When asked why she said, “I didn’t want my teeth to fly out.”#MyFamilyIsWeird
— Jonathan Tony (@jonathantony) November 18, 2015
#2. Basically, the entire family is a bunch of 2-year-olds who need to be constantly entertained.
When waiting for the check at a restaurant we spin a knife and whoever it lands on has to make a barnyard animal noise #myfamilyisweird
— Aaron Briggs (@aaron_bo_briggs) November 16, 2016
#1. OMG I love this. So much.
My granny turns tv off while undressing so men on tv don’t see her naked. #MyFamilyIsWeird
— K. (@kittykaresless) November 16, 2016
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h/t: Buzzfeed