As I put this list together, I tried every single one of these things. Now that you’ve got that silly mental image in your head, don’t feel too badly about giving them a shot yourself!
15. These two songs are the same thing

Photo Credit: WordPress, UglyBass
14. So you don’t have to worry about blinding your spouse/waking up your baby when you just need enough light to see that one thing

Photo Credit: Twitter, CaicoNotGeico
13. Totes did this, then lol’d at myself

Photo Credit: YouTube
12. Well, I just thought way too hard about this

Photo Credit: Tumblr, bravelittlepixel
11. This is everything

Photo Credit:
10. You know you want to try out your Aussie accent

Photo Credit: Twitter, sereincabello
9. If you poke your belly button hard, you’ll feel it in your groin. Here’s why (supposedly).

Photo Credit: Pixabay
8. The second hand on your iPhone clock app moves with the correct time

Photo Credit: iWorld
7. Just reading this one made me snort

Photo Credit: Twitter, Home_Halfway
6. You can draw a picture of a boy by starting with the word ‘boy.’ Give it a go yourself with this tutorial.

Photo Credit: YouTube
5. Say it REALLY fast

Photo Credit: Whisper
4. You could try this with any language really, though some are funnier than others

Photo Credit: Joyreactor
3. Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Ready?

Photo Credit: Twitter, taylor_fulgham
2. For all my OCD sufferers out there…

Photo Credit: Tumblr, thatmaskednegro
1. Don’t worry about looking silly. Just explain what you’re doing and the whole office will try it, too.

Photo Credit: Dump A Day
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