Jimmy Fallon has done some great hashtags over the years, and there are often so many amazing responses that it’s hard to pick my favorites when it’s time to sum up. For me, some of my favorites are people confessing the dumb things they’ve done – #mydumbfight, #mydumbinjury, #mydumblie, or just a simple #imdumb – so I figured what could be better than picking the best of the best?
Not much, it turns out!
#15. I guess that settles that.
#14. Pretty sure I’ve done something similar.
#13. Someone was in trouble.
#12. Ouch.
#11. Yeah, good idea.
#10. It seems as if there would have been a simple way to settle this one.
#9. Derp.
#8. It’s the thought that counts?
#7. Who believed that?
#6. This makes me lol.
#5. Did you win, though?
#4. I mean it does make sense.
#3. Mortifying on so many levels.
#2. Terrible. Lol.
#1. I so wish I had been there for that.
Check out some of the full lists below!
Jimmy Fallon Asks People About Their Dumbest Fights and I Dare You Not to Laugh