13. Did it really go wrong?
I’m at the age where many of my coworkers and friends are either getting married or popping out kids. Within the past year I’ve been to 5 weddings and held more newborn babies than I ever thought humanly possible. I’m single, so as a result of all this I was constantly getting grilled about when I was going to get hitched or have a kid.
When April Fool’s day rolled around, I made an announcement on Facebook that I was not only getting married to my “special someone” but that we were also expecting. A torrent of messages and comments began to roll in, everything from “Congrats!” to “I hope our kids will be best of friends and play together!” and “I’m SO happy you’re finally settling down and starting a family.”
My good friends knew better and were in on the troll, so they rolled with it and started to ask about names for the baby and wedding dates. My acquaintances and co-workers took the bait hard.
When I finally announced April Fools, the congrats switched to a flood of hate mail. When I came into work, those who were pregnant were especially miffed and told me not to joke about big life events. Some just told me they were really disappointed. One dis-invited me to her baby shower.
My reaction was this:

Photo Credit: Imgur
No one bothers to ask when I’m getting married anymore.
14. The Abusive Dad Factor
When I was younger, I was on a baseball team with my cousin and one of his best friends. One night after winning a game, we all stay over at the cousin’s house. Once his friend goes to sleep, we pull the old shaving cream in the hand prank and our laughter wakes up his dad. Now, his dad might have the shortest temper of any man I’ve ever met. He runs upstairs, yells that we could have blinded him, grabs my cousin and makes him grab the stair rail in a way that his back is flat, and starts whipping his back with a belt. Afterwards he came in and yelled at me with murder in his eyes. I’ve never done that prank since.
15. Corrupt
When I was in high school my dad bought his first Mac (mid 90’s). He was very protective of it. I discovered the joys of ResEdit and made a very official dialog box that popped up at start-up saying his system was corrupt.
I went out that night and completely forgot about it. I return a few hours later and he is pissed off. He spent the entire night troubleshooting his “corrupt” system. He starts yelling at me asking what I did to break his computer. He did not find any humor in my practical joke.
16. VIRUS!!
My boyfriend changed the desktop background on his mom’s laptop to two guys having a peeing contest.
When we talked to her later in the day, she had destroyed her computer trying to change it back. It wouldn’t even turn on. We guess that she downloaded a program to change it, and it was one of those “Oh, you’re too stupid to change your desktop background? VIRUS!!” kind of things. She claims she has no idea what happened.
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