
Photo Credit: Reddit
I will stand behind my belief that if you eat meat, you are not a vegan. Call me crazy, it’s just how I feel. If you want to be a vegan, GO FOR IT! (I wish I had the discipline, alas, I like ribs, steak, and burgers too much).
But if you go vegan, and you want to announce it to the world, at least know what you’re talking about, okay?

Photo Credit: Reddit
No, you’re not, like, the only person not on your phone right now. You took the photo!!! This, however, is not an uncommon sight, I’m sorry to report. Everywhere you look you see people with their noses in their phones, completely oblivious to the world around them.
I especially like seeing this when people are clearly on first dates with each other. Maybe they’re texting to the person across the table?

Photo Credit: Reddit
How big is it? Oh, that big! I don’t know about you, but I’m sold! Sign me up! Can’t this person find one other single solitary person on the planet to snap a pic of their phone? Seems a little fishy to me. Like, maybe the phone doesn’t exist? Maybe I’m being too harsh, maybe they’re stranded on a desert island and their only companion is a volleyball with a face painted on it…