17 of the Best Perfectly-Timed Photos from ‘The Coincidence Project’
We all love photos taken at just the right time, place, and/or angle…
…and luckily for us, British photographer Denis Cherim is attempting to do an entire series of such happenstance in what he calls the Coincidence Project.
I’ve picked out 17 of my favorites and proudly displayed them for you below:
#17. Moon-in-one.
#16. The shadow is upon us.
#15. Fakin’ it rain!
#14. Jesus heals the chemtrails….
#13. Ultimate Tetris winner.
#12. That’s a big, round peg in a 2D, square hole.
#11. Reflections of…
#10. We didn’t split the fire.
#9. It splits the stone. It splits the sky.
#8. Decent chance he manipulated the fence… but it still looks cool.
#7. This one leads on Bored panda, but feels staged to me.
#6. I prefer the whimsy and variables of this tree shot.
Top five after the jump, including shiny things, flying armpits, and more…
#5. There’s a degree of difficulty involved with the mirror, and the chemtrail is a nice touch.
#4. That kid should be wearing a helmet!
#3. When armpits go where only eagles dare….
#2. Helping the mountain hold the sky….
This last one doesn’t require as many variables as some (and there’s probably some filter going on), but I just think it looks the coolest.
#1. Shiny, purty birdie.
h/t: Bored Panda