#13. Creeper In The Back Garden
“A guy hopped over the wall in my back garden, walked straight up to my window, and stared at me for like a minute. It was obvious that he was extremely drunk. Creepiest part is that I was writing on my laptop and saw him from the corner of my eye, but I was way too freaked out to leave the room. Felt like an eternity before he wandered off.”
#14. They’re In The House…
“Already posted this before, but in one of my sleepless nights I was trying to fall into sleep at 3am when I heard the distinct sound of my kitchen door opening… My reaction was to get up, grab a stick I had laying around with my right hand and my cellphone with the other with 911 already dialed in, thinking to myself “you’re going to feel really stupid after all of this, you were probably dreaming!”. I open the door with my heart pounding when all of a sudden this dude runs past me through the corridor, gets back into the kitchen and shuts the door behind him. I aggressively scream at him and start pursuing but after a couple of steps it occurs to me that I don’t know how many people are in my house (and I live alone), so I should not put me in a situation where I could be caught off guard (those 3D Shooters really teach you something, huh?). So I retreat to the front door, call the cops and call a friend while I wait for them to arrive. I never thought I would make a call at 3am that would start with “Some guy just entered my house through the kitchen window and I don’t know if there are more of them still in here with me…”. Fortunately, there wasn’t anyone else, but I still freak out at night when I hear something vaguely familiar to my kitchen door.”

Photo Credit: unilad.co.uk
#15. Bad Life Choices
“One night I couldn’t sleep due to a bad reaction to prescribed pain medication. I sat up for most of the night and then at 5am there were multiple knocks at doors in our apartment complex, like someone was just going down them all. They get to my apartment and like an idiot I go downstairs to answer the door and am confronted by a dude called Gavin who seems to be sketching out and/or paranoid and looking for his friend who lives in one of the other apartments. He is super agitated and looking for his friend because he believes his friend is “harboring” (his word) his girlfriend who has just broken up with him and moved out. He gives me all this information in short, yelled sentences and seems pissed off with me but finally leaves after about 20 minutes of me being like “dude I don’t know your girlfriend, she’s not here, it’s 5am”. After I closed the door I was like WTF just happened. I thought I’d dreamt it but found out the next day that Gavin does exist and is a bit mentally unstable.”