#16. Paranormal Activity
“So one night, I couldn’t sleep – shocking right? I was sitting up, and discussing creepy/paranormal things with my then-sister-in-law. All the sudden, the X-Files theme song is playing out of nowhere. Turns out, someone was standing outside of our house, listening to everything we said. That was creepy as fuck. He took off running once he realized we knew someone was there.”
#17. I’m A MAN
“The dog was on the floor at the foot of the bed and made that high pitched sound dogs make when they dream. This one sounded exactly like a child’s laugh. I wanted to reassure myself it was the dog, but I stayed up nearly all night starting at the closet because the kind of man I am is to afraid to check and make sure.”
#18. The Devil’s Hour
“I heard footsteps. Not your standard “the floor is just creaking because the house is old,” but the kind where you’d go “good god there are tiny invisible demons running across my room” type footsteps. Those footsteps definitely had more than two feet and I would hear it go near my bed then farther away and this happened all night. I hid under my covers and tried to ignore it. Then I heard a very audible “SHHHHHH” some twenty minutes later. Of course all I did was lie under my covers and lie so still for the rest of the night that my hips hurt in the morning. Heard the same sounds the next day but came to the conclusion that I had rodents underneath the floorboards and the heater makes hissing sounds all the time. But of course when it’s the middle of the night at 3 am (the devil’s hour, no less!) everything is demonic and out to get you.”
Stories via: AskReddit

Photo Credit: Johanna Walker