We all know that pride is one of the seven deadly sins, and that no one really likes to listen to other people brag about, whether it’s something that’s super cool or not – but I swear, some people just cannot help themselves.
What’s even weirder is when what people are bragging about is silly, or ridiculous, and you can’t help but wonder why no one can stop acting like it was some kind of accomplishment.
If you’re not sure exactly what I’m talking about, here are 18 things people really think are cooler than they are.
18. Literally anyone can do it.
How many kids they have.
When I was a waitress we had a cook who crowed about how he had 12 kids by multiple women.
That’s not something to be proud of, my dude.
You’re a deadbeat dad 12 times over.
17. That’s not as healthy as you seem to think.
I’ve noticed in mom groups the women like to flex by saying how long their baby or kid hasn’t been without them.
For example, “my kid is 7 and I’ve never spent a night without her”
16. Not really something to be proud of.
People who brag about the amount of weed they can smoke and/or how much alcohol they can drink
15. How to know to avoid someone.
How “savage” they are…AKA how badly they f*cked someone over.
Some people rise up by improving themselves. Others do it by bringing those around them down.
I usually assume the brag is a defense mechanism / show of power to compensate for something.
14. Everyone’s fighting a battle.
When people try to 1-up others’ struggles with their own (i.e. my life is so much worse). It’s sad, really. Why do you need to convince others that you have it harder than them? And they seem to always sound happy discussing it because it makes them feel superior in some way.
Maybe that person’s issues might not seem big to you, but they’re big to that person.
13. It’s definitely not something to joke about.
“Being OCD” even though they are not obsessive compulsive at all. Like being OCD is some organizational badge of honor.
The casual use of that medical ailment to show how much attention to detail you have is awful. It’s not even remotely the same thing. True OCD isn’t a choice and it can negatively impact your life in so many serious ways.
It’s just like people who flippantly say they’re bipolar when they just mean they’re indecisive. It’s so disrespectful to people suffering from the real disease.
12. Let’s never go back.
Pre-pandemic…..how sick you are yet you still made it in to work because you are that much more hardcore than the wimps who stay home for any little sniffle.
One time this one guy made it into work an hour after being under anesthesia for a colonoscopy. This same guy also came in with a terrible flu and fever that he would go throw up in the bathroom every hour and refused to go home.
They think they are so awesome, yet all they are doing is screwing over the entire office by getting half the employees sick, and the other half left to pick up the slack and work double time. Fuck those type of people.
Thank goodness that stuff doesn’t fly these days.
11. I hope it was Chinese food.
I had a coworker who thought I was flexing on them by using chopsticks.
10. This never fails to stun me.
How they don’t read.
There was a common attitude among my classmates that reading is for losers and nerds only.
I still meet adults who say crap like: lol I never read a book.
If it’s that good, they’ll make a movie about it anyway.
9. We all have choices.
How little time they have.
It’s annoying how they’d be bewildered about how people would have time to watch films or read books and make comments about how they could never find the time but then I’d see them on be on social media for 8+ hours.
8. That’s a reflection on you, sir.
Professors bragging about how MANY students fail their class.
They use it to terrorize students and wear it as though it’s a badge of honor. It’s unbelievable how full they are of themselves, that not once did they ever pause and ponder if the failing rate was due to their lacking. Well, just like that one viral post said, I guess congratulations to you ma’am/sir, you suck at your job.
Additional: It irks me when some professors think of themselves HIGHLY because they have all these degrees and got off from a great university, and so on, to the point that they’re completely dismissive and unreasonably mean. Like, come on, you aren’t even that competent. You cannot teach to save a life, let alone actually educate us, and yet you have the nerve to be totally inconsiderate and boastful?
7. Both are equally annoying.
Yes. 100% “I don’t have time to watch TV.” Yes, you do. You just do other things. Which is fine, but don’t act like you don’t have time.
The other version I like is “[hobby] is such a waste of time.” Proceeds to watch sports and news all day every day
6. Like an alternate universe.
High schoolers who try to flex the expensive overpriced clothing that there parents bought for them.
I have a friend (24y/o) who constantly brags about his $500 jeans and $300 hoodies and apple watches.
Dude still lives with his parents.
5. The luck of the draw.
It always boggles my mind how kids of rich parents flex their money.
Like you didn’t do anything??
4. It’s not a good thing.
People who brag about how little sleep they got.
It’s always in the context of trying to one-up someone else.
One person will say “I’m so tired, I only got 7 hours of sleep.”
Person two will then be like “7?! I only got 4!!! You’re so lucky.”
Person three is like “4?! I was up all night and slept for 30 minutes!”
It always becomes a weird competition to see who’s sleep schedule is the worst
3. Bro. Are you ok?
Not taking vacation days.
I HATE this workaholic aspect of American culture. We need to change it. While work is obviously important, there is more to life than work and productivity.
2. We’ve gotta raise the bar.
Mine is a bit specific – but women who brag on their bfs/husbands for “babysitting” their own kids to give them a break. Raise your expectations on what a good father is ladies!
For example here’s one I saw on FB:
Wife: I am so lucky. [Name of Husband] has agreed to babysit our girls today. He’s a shrewd negotiator though – he’s getting some “special” attention 😉 from me tonight so I can get some time out of the house. Can’t wait! Thanks [Name of Husband]!”
I know the husband – he works part time and usually when he’s not working, he’s out with friends while his wife is home with their 3yo/2yo. The bar is set so low for some guys that occasionally watching their own children is cause for celebration/reward.
1. We can do better.
Being a responsible parent. Bi*ch, that’s the minimum standard.
“I take care of my kids. You’re supposed to you dumb mother f*cker.”
-Chris Rock
Never brag about these things, y’all – we’re over it!
What’s something you keep hearing people brag about and can’t understand it?
Let’s hash it out in the comments!