12. Train of thought ran off the tracks

In HS our Functions and Relations teacher would always start to say something, forget it and say, “I lost my train of thought.”

Well one day a buddy of mine replies, “It’s okay sir, there were no important passengers onboard.”

13. Talented kids are everywhere!

A kid mocked me when I said, “Don’t do that.” I started to yell at him and he said, “No man, that’s a song.”

He then spontaneously came up with a rap song called “Don’t Do That” and his friends started making beats. I was no longer mad.

14. Spanish class snoozing/
Clase de Español dormitando

Student in my Spanish class was sleeping, like always. Teacher finally got tired of it and tried to embarrass him by waking him up and yell at him in Spanish.

The student responded with, “I’m back here minding my own business, not causing any sort of distractions at all, and you decide to stop everyone’s learning by trying to make me look stupid. We all know I have no idea what you’re saying, so please stop disrupting the class and let me go back to not bothering anyone.”

She never said another word to him.


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