
18 Things Kids Under 14 Probably Won’t Believe We Older People Had to Do


#9. Literal worst.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Do. Not. Miss.

#8. I mean kids today think pressing a button to continue on Netflix is a lot of work.

Photo Credit: Twitter

We actually had to GET UP.

#7. We’re going to be so much better equipped to deal with the dystopian future.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Which is obviously nigh.

#6. When you had to put this in your cassette player to listen to your iPod.

Photo Credit: Reddit

AND we thought we were super cool. Plus it worked way better than those dumb radio things.

#5. I actually forgot about this.

Photo Credit: Twitter

What was so special about Channel 3, anyway?

#4. Netflix really was way ahead of the game.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Bye bye, Blockbuster.

#3. Definitely a 90s kid problem.

Photo Credit: Instagram, tgraf86

One I sort of miss, for some reason?

#2. Oh, the pain.

Photo Credit: Twitter

These went the way of the dinosaur prettttty quickly.

#1. Devastating.

Photo Credit: WowAmazing

Cannot tell you how many hours I spent in front of my boom box with my finger poised over the record button.

(h/t: Buzzfeed)

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