
19 Boyfriends These Dads Very Much Approved Of


12. The Greatest Gift

My oldest daughter is a heroin addict. It really took hold of her in her late teens and early twenties, and as an extra “bonus” the boys she took to dating downgraded from basic loser to world class drug using loser. I met more guys that were going nowhere in the fast lane than anyone ever should. Somehow, she eventually found the strength to get clean (almost 8 years now). She got a job, went to meetings, and by some miracle found a guy that understood who she was and helped her stay on track.

They moved in together, and it was such a a pleasure to see her being productive, getting herself financially ahead of things – it was so obvious how much he loved her and was invested in her. This was “the guy” any father dreams of his daughter finding.

Then one day, out of the blue, she broke up with him. Turns out she had been backsliding – not with heroin but other drugs and prescription meds and the more he tried to keep her on track the more she rejected it. So I guess she finally ran out of lies and just walked away from him.

It’s been three years now and while she hasn’t slid back to full drug abuse, she is back to watching her life fall apart and dating losers that could give a crap about her. It’s heartbreaking to watch.

So even though my other daughters have successful lives and are married to wonderful men, that guy that’s no longer in the picture is still my favorite because for what was too brief a time, he helped bring my daughter back to me.

13. The Bodyguard

I’ve suffered with low self esteem for most of my life and would usually just settle on dating whoever I could get because I was convinced I’d be alone forever. I ended up with less-than-great guys, unmotivated guys. Finally, after college, I started to gain some self esteem and decided to no longer settle after a two and a half year abusive relationship.

My current boyfriend is a very large 6’3″ 300 pound, broad-shouldered, metalhead viking, looking guy and my parents adore him because he is very sweet to me and is always always always willing to offer a helping hand around the house or to our neighbours. My mom gave him a hug the other day and told him “You’re a sweetheart”. She’s never done that before. Don’t think she’s ever hugged any of my boyfriends, actually. My dad also adores him and took him to his workplace one day to tell his coworkers “YEAH THIS IS MY NEW BODYGUARD”.

So I’d say that my parents really like this one. Can definitely tell when they don’t.

14. Make her happy

My favorite would be the boy who genuinely loved, cared, prioritized and respected her, was very afraid of hurting her, and made efforts to make her happy.

15. Good listener

Older brother checking in. When my baby sister left for college, she ended up not far from where I was living at the time. Her boyfriend was from the city I was living in, and she wanted to organize a party and have everyone get to know each other.

We had a beach party, drank some beers, played volleyball, and the boyfriend hosted a house party at his parent’s home. The house he grew up in. I met his parents, one of his two brothers, most of his friends, and even some of his neighbours. We drank beers, played drinking games, and I passed out on his floor.

After a couple of days, I realized they were committed. He had the patience of a saint and is probably the best listener I’ve ever met, and she was madly devoted to him and his career, but had all the support she needed to pursue her studies and enter her own field.

Compared to her previous boyfriends, this guy stood head and shoulders above the rest. He was the real deal.

They got married last year. I performed the ceremony, and couldn’t have been prouder.

16. That’s me!

I’m the boyfriend that the girlfriend’s family seem to want to stay in touch with even after we’ve broken up.

So I guess I’m the favourite.

17. Dang

Not a dad but a boyfriend, I had a girl’s dad pull me to the side and gave me $100 and said “You’re the first boy she has brought home that isn’t a piece of crap, good job.” Dude was cool. I’d sleep over and wake up to him putting Rainedx on my car and changing my windshield wipers. It was weird how much he wanted me to marry her.

He kicked her out when he found out she cheated on me.

18. Fish boy

When my daughter was 4 or 5, she was wearing a Pisces shirt with the two fish on it kissing. I scooped her up fork-lift style and she started flopping around like a fish out of water. Her nickname Audrey-fish was born.

Fast-forward 11 years and she started dating a kid who was in her inner circle of friends. He was no looker, but he had a strong moral compass, was active in the school, sports, and scouts. He joined the cheer team for her. They became more and more serious, continuing to date while attending different colleges (2 hour drive). It was beginning to look like they might eventually marry. Then he broke it off.

His last name…Fish.

19. Brotherly love

Older brother here –

I’ve always been protective of my younger sister (no dad in the picture) and so when she brought home Ben, a very good looking guy who worked as a model, I was extremely skeptical.

He was polite and modest but I didn’t trust him – him looking the way he looks and working in the industry that he works in – I figured this relationship wouldn’t last.

But then one year became two and then three, each time my sister brought him around to family events, I’d be surprised but still kept him at an arm’s distance and refused to trust him.

Then about a year ago, my sister told me they had broken up.

I thought to myself, took long enough – not surprised at all. He probably cheated on her or something.

My sister went missing not long after that – she was completely unreachable by social media and phone.

I remember calling Ben in a moment of desperation asking him if he had any idea where she was.

And Ben found her – she had been depressed after learning she had a serious medical condition and had run away to Europe.

Ben flew to Europe and brought her back home and spent every waking moment with her – taking her to her daily medical appointments, helping her eat, helping her bathe, taking walks with her in her weakened state, everything. He would drive to our house and arrive right before she woke up and would drive home after she fell asleep.

About a week in, I asked him why don’t you just stay with us ? You spend all your time with my sister anyway.

He looked at me surprised and told me that he didn’t know that was okay. He mentioned that he noticed that neither my mother nor I were very warm to him and so he figured we hated him but he couldn’t figure out why. He wanted to be with my sister but didn’t want to be in the way of me and my mother since he thought we hated him so he had been driving an hour to our house in the mornings and then an hour back at night, just to stay out of our way and not overstep his welcome.

I felt like such a jerk – this man had brought my sister back and has put his life on hold to wait on her hand and foot, and the only thing he had done wrong in my eyes were all assumptions I had made based on what he looked like.

Happy to say, that my sister is making a full recovery and she and Ben are back together.

My mother and I are much closer to Ben now and I have long since apologized for treating him so coldly for all those years.

When I apologized actually, Ben laughed and said he was actually relieved at the reason. The parents of every girl he had dated treated him rather coldly because of how he looked and he understands why. But this was a superficial problem, he could remedy it over time and prove that he is a decent guy. He had been worried that he had actually done something wrong and that was why we didn’t like him!

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