Let’s face it, in the age of Internet dating (which is basically like being set up on an endless series of blind dates, but instead of a trusted friend as the go-between, we’re trusting computer algorithms), you’re going to need a good reason to split once in a while.
Yes, I’m being generous.
So here you go – keep this list in your phone. Or, if you’re not into crib notes, just memorize a few.
You’ll thank me later.
20. The grass is always greener and all that

Photo Credit: Twitter,HepatitisAtoZ
19. That should do it

Photo Credit: Twitter,KeshaTedder
18. What if they didn’t even care? LOL.

Photo Credit: Twitter,ebeliousclassy
17. I have a lot of questions…

Photo Credit: Twitter,lilacleaves
16. No one likes an early finisher

Photo Credit: Twitter,19yates_
15. If someone said this to me it would make me want to date them MORE. Lol.

Photo Credit: Twitter,craigflynn1
14. “Would you like to meet them?”

Photo Credit: Twitter,LukeWheeler01
13. I feel like this would just turn some people on

Photo Credit: Twitter,KristieSmeltzer
12. People do love their hashtag game!

Photo Credit: Twitter,FaithPeaceLove2
11. Now that’s a slap in the face

Photo Credit: Twitter,delsina363
10. This is a ripoff of a Seinfeld joke, but it’s still funny

Photo Credit: Twitter,d4usma1978
9. Pretty sure Bette Davis used this one already

Photo Credit: Twitter,Billie_Jean00

Photo Credit: GIPHY
8. Short and impossible to argue with – 10/10

Photo Credit: Twitter,rebeliousclassy
7. Definitely a little too much for a first date

Photo Credit: Twitter,ninanoir83
6. There’s always gotta be one…

Photo Credit: Twitter,robyndwoskin
5. Points

Photo Credit: Twitter,Alohababe2011
4. I imagine the other person’s chair spinning like in a cartoon when they run away

Photo Credit: Twitter,jimishbathia
3. I’m guessing this probably happens fairly often

Photo Credit: Twitter,ReenMatoMato
2. IDK, he might not get the message?

Photo Credit: Twitter,KatiGM
1. This one is my personal favorite

Photo Credit: Twitter,AlohaTags