
22+ Creepy and Cathartic Last Words from Patients


20. Glorious Doctor

“Last year: my grandfather started desperately pleading for his life with his German captors from WWII.

The doctor present was smart and said in German: ‘You are free, Herr Caticature. You are free.’ And then he died.”

21. Tragic


17 y/o female, car crash: ‘Please, please, please…don’t tell my parents I was drinking.'”

22. How Lovely

“I’m an RN and while I was a student I was caring for a lady who had end stage renal failure, had a DNR and was shutting down. We were having a little chat, well I was chatting away while helping her put on some lotion, when she stopped, looked over my shoulder and said ‘Bill’s here love, I’ve got to go’ and swiftly stopped breathing. Read her old notes and Bill was her deceased husband.”

23. Orange You Glad You Didn’t Talk About Bananas

“I’m a hospital chaplain: When I was a CPE intern (a greenhorn) I went to see a patient in the ICU who had 10 to 12 oranges on her table. We talked about oranges for about 20 minutes and then she said, ‘Somethings going to happen.’

I went to check on her the next day and the nurse mentioned that she passed the previous night. I asked if anyone else talked with her and she said no. So, the last conversation she had was about oranges with me. I kind of wish we talked about something else; however, the nurse said that was a worthy conversation that the patient wanted to talk about. It made me feel better.”