
22 People Share Their Stories About The Most Generous People They Ever Met

12. Paid in full

When I had unexpected medical bills it made me 1100 short for my rent. The owner of the company I worked for advanced me $600 and flat out gave me 500.

13. A trip abroad

My university friends and I always dreamed to go to Europe to celebrate our graduation (there were 4 of us). When we graduated, as students often are, we were broke. Except for this one friend. He came to us very happy asking when we were going to Europe, his parents already had given him the money to go. We congratulated him and asked for postcards from the trip (back in the 90’s). A few weeks later, my birthday came. He told me that he had my bday gift on him. Since I didn’t see a box I jokingly said “a plane ticket!”. And for real, he exchanged his ticket to Europe for four less expensive (but still, we are in another country) incredible, tickets to go to Los Angeles, entries to Disneyland and Universal studios included! 21 years later, we are still friends and amazed of what a wonderful person he is. My brother for real.

14. More than a babysitter

When I was diagnosed with cancer my children’s babysitter kept them day and night through both my surgeries and hospital stays, at no cost. I did not ask her she simply offered so my husband and mom could focus on my well being. While going through radiation therapy afterwards she quite often would refuse my money for a weeks worth of childcare. I could never have gotten through it as well as I did without her. When she was diagnosed with breast cancer a year later I immediately volunteered to take a week off and care for her ailing husband so her family could take care of her. She wasn’t simply a babysitter, she was family and we all loved her. She was our grandma, filled with unconditional love.

15. Anonymous

I had gone back to school to change my career, but was having a hard time coming up with tuition, since both my sons were also in college.

One morning I went out to my car to find an envelope full of money with a note saying it was for my education. It was exactly the amount I needed! I don’t know who put it there, but I have tried to pay it forward as many times as possible.

16. Pretty sweet

My university re-admitted me despite my having been dismissed for a 1.3 GPA. The university has an “academic amnesty” program that is giving me a second chance to finish my degree. I could not be more grateful.

17. New City, No Money

When I first moved to Houston at age 19, I got lost and ran out of gas before I could get back to my apartment on the other side of town. To boot, I forgot my wallet at home. I’m not sure if anybody’s familiar with Houston TX but unlike most of the rural parts of the state where people are generally more friendly and kind hearted, Houston is kind of the exact opposite. It can be a pretty dog-eat-dog kind of a city. To my surprise, I related my problem to a random lady at a gas station and she said, “hey if you need, you need.” She was the first person I asked and she helped me out no questions asked. I have never forgotten her. I have since paid it forward but I’ll never forget how scary that was, being lost, with no money, in a huge city with zero experience of city life. Whoever that lady was, thank you!!

18. Pay it forward, auto style

My car died and I needed a new one immediately. I was low on funds but not broke. When my friend heard about my situation, he gave me his car. Later one of my friends was in a similar situation. I passed the car to him.

19.  Take it all

The morning after pretty much the entire city lost power to a terrifying winter storm, I took my infant son to the grocery store. We needed to get meals that could be made completely in the toaster oven, since that was the only thing we could run from our generator. Our weather is generally mild so everyone was pretty shaken up.

Luckily the grocery store had backup power. Due to the stress I forgot my debit card at home. I had some cash, but not enough for everything I’d picked up. A lot of it was unnecessary because I was shopping hungry, so I was having the cashier sort out the stuff we needed the most and doing the math. All of a sudden a man walks over, hands the cashier three 20’s, and walks away without a word.

20. Rent free

My best friend’s parents and my boyfriend’s parents both let me live with them rent free after my dad died just after I had turned 18 and I was attending college classes. The first couple of years was with my friend’s parents and these last two years have been with my boyfriend’s parents. Both occasions were when neither my friend or boyfriend were living at home. Truly the greatest people that I’m not even related to by blood.

21. Thats an amazing friend

My friend lent me several thousand dollars when I lost my job so the bank wouldn’t take my house.

I’m trying to repay her at the moment but it’s hard, and she’s very understanding. I love her more than she’ll ever know.

22. Good guy Landlord

My wife and I had our first and only apartment a few years back. I lost my job in October and haven’t had a good track record when it comes to work, I didn’t find employment for 4 or 5 months after that looking everywhere. Anyway our landlords let us out of our lease 2 and a half months early with no payments required and they only kept out 200$ security deposit. They also offered to let us back when we had stable employment with no questions asked or issues at all.

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