
22 People Share How They Knew They Were in Love

17. A Good Feeling

When you get up and you instantly have a good feeling. This sign never fails.

18. Best answer

I was in a class in college called “Human Sexuality”. At one point we were talking about love vs. lust vs. obsession. The professor asks what the real difference between love and lust is. A bunch of different people have opinions, and we have a pretty good discussion for about 15-20 minutes.

It’s starting to die down a bit, but before the professor can move on, this one kid in the back, who had not participated so far in the class, just says: “You sleep in the wet spot.”

The Professor asks him for more details. “After sex. If you’re in love you sleep in the wet spot.” The class pretty much unanimously agreed his was the best answer.

19. Just exhist

When a person can make your day by simply existing. How, when you’re with them, time seems to stop. When you realize no one has ever made you feel happier, safer, or more complete.

20. Never angry

Man, I found real love for the first time in my life last year. I’ll try to explain it. I knew instantly that there was something special between us. Literally the first time we went out, it was like we had been together for 10 years.

All I wanted to do was be around this person. It didn’t matter what else I was doing, I simply couldn’t get enough. You feel like if you could just stay with them forever, that life would be pretty great.

I’m a pretty argumentative person, but in love I don’t fight. Because I don’t care if I win. I just want things to be exactly how they are. So I don’t yell and I don’t get angry. I might get hurt, but never angry.

It was very obvious I was in love because the honeymoon phase of the relationship never wore off. A year later and it’s just as amazing if not more so than when we first started. I have no doubt that is will stay that way forever. She’s just.. my other half. I don’t want to ever date again. This is the one and I couldn’t be happier. She might not be perfect but she’s perfect for me.

21. Haha

When you start to ask questions like “How do you know when you’re in love”. Dead giveaway.

22. Thoughts

I don’t think you really know until they are gone and not with you anymore. Does it pain you to think about that special someone having sex with someone else after you’ve broken up? Or, do you get a pit in your stomach/lump in your throat when someone mentions his or her name to you years after you’ve broken up?

That’s love. That’s when you really know.

I’ve had exes I didn’t give a crap about and I feel normal when I see them, and then I’ve exes where it would be too painful to even be in the same room with them because the feelings are too intense even years later.