
23 Teachers Who Had to Deal with Awful Parents


15. “Might” rain

A parent at my sister’s school complained because it rained on the school trip to the zoo.

“I wouldn’t have given permission for my child to go on the trip if I had been properly informed it might rain.”

16. Meeting planner

I had a teacher who had a parent who constantly was scheduling parent-teacher conferences. She broke into the school one time (they changed the locks after that) and went through confidential files just to make sure said meeting was scheduled.

When the teacher asked her to stop, she came into her house while they were having dinner and said “what about that next meeting?”

17. Bonjour

I had a parent complain that I was speaking too much French in class, which would be legitimate concern if it weren’t a high school junior level French class.

18. Sweater Fever

I had a parent complain about unfairly sending her kid home after he was running a 101 fever and vomited right in the middle of the cafeteria. She insisted that every witness (in the whole cafeteria) to the vomiting was lying and insisted that the 101 “fever” was caused by her child wearing a sweater. This mom was not called away from a job to pick up her sick child – she was a homemaker. She was literally at home when the school nurse called her home phone number.

19. Liberal

Ninth grade World History. I spent two days talking about how the Sykes-Picot agreement arbitrarily defined the states in the Middle East and how this has created many of the problems in that region that we face today. One parent emailed me saying “Your liberal bias is showing with these excuses you are making for those…” it got worse from there. Worst part is I’m not liberal… I just know history…

20. Wild lady

Organizing a grad dinner. Mother comes in and demands her daughter perform her music. I inform her the grad class has picked someone else other than her daughter.

She gets even madder, she corrects me that she is not talking about her daughter that is graduating. She is talking about her daughter that graduated years ago trying to launch her music career.

I laugh and professionally inform her it will never happen.

Couple days later she called the conference centre and tried to make all the meals kosher and a bunch of other stuff. Wild lady.

21. “Where are they from?”

I had a parent come in and ask me where our cleaners were from to decide whether or not she trusted that her daughter wouldn’t get her stuff robbed at school. I explained that we didn’t use an agency, all the cleaners were employed directly by the school.

“No”, she clarified, “where are they from?”

She was quickly invited to leave my office.

22. Subway

Had a parent forgot to pack their kid a lunch, they called the school to tell me I needed to leave the class to go across the street and buy the kid subway.

Also, was almost physically attacked by a father because I gave the kid a C in reading.

23. Chain of Command

I gave one of my cadets a detention slip, which he is supposed to get stamped by an NCO and return immediately. Instead, he took it to his uncle, who is in a different division but the same building. He then has the balls to bring his uncle to my classroom, who then tells me he cancelled my detention, and to basically give his nephew special treatment. After kicking him out of my room, I had a little chat with the lieutenant commander about how an officer who wasn’t anywhere near my chain of command was trying to screw with my discipline. The cadet got three detentions and both he and his uncle learned their place when it comes to my classroom.

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