
24 People Share the Biggest Scandals to Ever Hit Their School

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10. Foaming at the mouth

A kid in my religion class my sophomore year brought a huge water bottle filled with vodka one day to class. He proceeded to drink the entire thing. The kicker was that he had also taken 2 Vicodin before he drank the thing. Ended up foaming at the mouth and had to be taken by the ambulance in a wheel chair. He lived but was expelled afterwards.

We weren’t allowed to bring water bottles for a while after that.

11. Applied Learning

Our 8th grade earth science class was supposed to go on an overnight camping trip to apply stuff we learned in class. Ended up not getting approval from the district to do the overnight, so we did a day trip to the state park instead. We were sent out on different trails to hike in groups and fill in these packets. One (coed) group ends up sitting at a picnic table instead and one girl is teaching the other girls how to give good blow jobs and demonstrating on her boyfriend as a chaperone walks by to check on them. So much drama and we all got interviewed one by one at school on Monday. Boyfriend got suspended for indecent exposure. Girl got talking to.

12. Lies

The girl who hid her pregnancy from friends, family, everyone. Then she delivered the baby by herself in a shed behind her house one night. She came to school the next day and left the baby in the trunk of her car, a candy apple red fully restored 60s Mustang by the way. Someone heard it crying thankfully and it was fine. When confronted, her excuse was that “I didn’t want to miss school and didn’t have a babysitter”. Her family still didn’t know she’d had a baby when they were called. By the police.

13. Sex ed

Oh man i forgot about this until now. In middle school we had to take sex Ed in 7th grade. Our teacher was new to the school, young (mid-20s I would guess), pretty blond. All the boys had crushes on her. Somehow someone discovered she had been a model for some nude stuff before she started teaching (I don’t remember if it was full out porn, but definitely soft core stuff) and found the pictures. They got copies and hung them all over school. She quit.

14. False Allegations

This girl claimed that the science teacher raped her after he wouldn’t give her a better grade. The guy was actually a really great and respectful teacher. He was a bit weird but hey what do you expect from a science teacher. Word got around and then administration heard about it and the girl fessed up and told everyone it was a lie. The teacher was basically forced to leave town after this because apparently people don’t like alleged rapists around their children. So basically this high school girl completely ruined this guy’s life over a C in science. It’s sickening that even though we’re technically innocent until proven guilty it doesn’t really work out that way.

15. Gross

Kid defecated in a bin for a £10 bet. Teacher found it while taking a class into the classroom containing said bin, causing her to run out of the room to the toilet where she vomited. CCTV was used to find the culprit who was expelled. Worst part is he didn’t even get the £10.

16. Blog talk

I had a blog back in the early 2000’s when I was in 8th grade. I shared it with a couple of my classmates. Didn’t have anything terrible. Mostly rants and a couple of pictures of me and my friends doing dumb stuff (typical junior high stuff). Well my school got wind of it and decided to give my parents a call.

The principal sat me down with my parents and printed the entire website. They showed them all the posts and pointed out all the curse words that I had used (I went to a catholic school). Then they said that I could be facing lawsuits for posting my friends pictures online without their permission. It was this whole big deal and my class thought I was going to be expelled. They even notified the high school I had applied to and told me I was facing rejection (another catholic school). 1 week later and nothing came up of it. The whole thing blew over and I didn’t hear another word about it. My parents and I still laugh about it to this day.