15. Disturbing the peace
A few years ago I was walking through the woods off the beaten track a bit and I smelt this really overpowering sweet smell. Being nosey I pulled back the undergrowth to have a look and found a dead body.
The guy had clearly been there a while and wasn’t looking great, all swollen and green and black with various runny bits. The local wildlife had also been dining well for a few days.
I called the police who told me to wait with the body until they arrived. Being in the middle of no-where it took a while for them to arrive and it got dark and I was just sat there in the dark with him for a long time.
It turned out he had committed suicide. For a long time afterward I had dreams about him and he would talk to me and not nice things. Mainly about how he was angry I had disturbed his resting place and he wanted me to kill myself. Probably just my imagination but all pretty disturbing at the time. He still turns up in my dreams from time to time and no doubt will be tonight after typing this…
16. Sound Asleep
My ex-wife and I woke up in the middle of the night to find all our lights out in the house. We had not lost power. The living room light that we always leave on overnight had been turned off. The bathroom night light was removed and placed under the sink. The computer had been unplugged, and the monitor cord was unplugged and neatly folded on the desk. All of the doors and windows in the house were unlocked, undamaged, and standing wide open. Our bedroom door was open, and the TV we always fall asleep to was turned off.
Nothing was taken. Our cats were both hiding behind the refrigerator and stayed there for most of the next day. Whenever someone came and knocked at the door, our larger cat would start to growl and stare at the door from then on. She no longer does this after we moved.
17. Shhhh
I had awesome parents who let me sleep in the living room on weekend nights when I was very young because my sister was a light sleeper and I could stay up until dawn. But of course, I always end up sleeping on the couch because Nick At Nite made me tried.
So, one night I wake up to the prickly feeling. Like an instinct. Just bolted into a sitting position and stared out the front window. We lived in rural Georgia, so you can imagine the magnitude of trees. In perfect light cast from the moon, I see a silhouette of someone in this fucking tree. The family dog dashes to the window and is snarling into the glass.
Terrified, I run into my parent’s room and try to explain to my parents that there is a strange person outside. Dad grabs something defensive and darts outside with the dogs to beat the wax off the hot head. I tremble in Mama’s arms until Dad comes home and says he saw no one and to go to bed.
I decide to sleep in my regular bedroom. I fill in my sister in as to what happened. Dad is making regular rounds in the house with a cup of coffee. We’re all still and I finally think “I can sleep.”
Nope. I notice the man outside my window. From what I can see in the moonlight, he gives me a shush signal and runs away. Just turns around to run a straight line away.
I swear I couldn’t stop crying for what felt like hours.
18. Phone Call
This happened to me last summer when I was back at my parent’s house during the holidays. It was around 3am and I was in my room on my computer when I got a call from my sister. Now that was already a little bit weird since my sister’s room is just down the hallway from mine and she could have just came in my room. I went to pick up and the call ended as soon as I reached the phone.
I figured that she wanted to speak with me so I got up and went to her room. As soon as I reached her door, she started screaming that someone was in the room with her so I busted in and of course nobody was here.After she stopped crying she told me that she woke up and saw a dark shadow just centimeters from her face and that’s when she screamed.
So I told her that she called me, she tell me that her phone is not in her room and that she was sleeping. Sure enough her phone is actually downstairs in her purse. The weird part is that I have the log of her call on my phone but she doesn’t. Never managed to explain this one.
19. Not tonight
My grandmother swore by this story till her dying day. It was during the war in London, and my dad was a baby. She was bombed out of her house and was staying with a friend. The friend had set her up in a room on the top floor. Anyway, she was taking my dad upstairs to bed when a figure materialised on the stairs telling her not to sleep in that room tonight. She quickly went back downstairs and told her friend that she, and my dad, were sleeping in the sitting room that night. Her friend was annoyed but agreed.
That night a bomb exploded near the house and the roof caved in, right on top of my dad’s cot – he would have been killed.
20. Fresh Blood
I used to work for a hazardous materials company that went to different facilities to pack chemicals and dispose of them. anyways, we got a call to clean up some chemicals from a mental hospital in orange county ca, near Diamond Bar. The hospital has shutdown but they still use parts of it for helping the blind, which is still pretty freaky pulling up to the place and seeing people walk in a single file line holding each other’s shoulders because they couldn’t see the outside world.
Anyways, the director of the place wanted to take us to the morgue, which hasn’t operated in 40 or so years, to pick up some formaldehyde and some hydrochloric acid that needed to be taken out. now this morgue was straight up out of a horror movie; dark, stainless steel table in the middle of the room with drains for blood, and. big metal wall with doors and individual racks for bodies. also a long creepy hallway.
well we start packing the materials and the director starts looking in the drawers for more waste, when he opens one drawer and inside were bloody latex gloves and a bonesaw all bloody. he quickly shut it and said to us to hurry up and move on.