
5 Indiana Jones Facts That Legit Belong in a Museum

Photo Credit: SlashFilm

Photo Credit: SlashFilm

Settle down and listen up, or I’ll have to be all aggressive and use my whip to get what I want. Now, please read these facts so I don’t look ridiculous tryna be cool like Harrison Ford.

#5. The filmmakers loved their dogs, which led to true love for one of them.

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

Indiana Jones was named after an Alaskan Malamute owned by George Lucas.  Bonus fact: The dog also inspired Lucas to give Han Solo a sidekick who was “like a big, furry dog.” (Chewbacca)

Get to the love part, already? OK then:  Willie Scott, the lounge singer in Temple of Doom, was named after Steven Spielberg’s dog, and that character was played by Kate Capshaw, who ended up marrying Spielberg in 1991.

#4. Short Round was an accidental casting.

Photo Credit: AngryAsianMan.com

Photo Credit: AngryAsianMan.com

Jonathan Ke Quan (aka Short Round) wasn’t even supposed to audition.

“I had never been on a movie set. My brother went to the open call for Short Round so I tagged along, and the casting director asked me to read for him. I couldn’t even pronounce the words. The next day we got a call from Steven’s office.”

Lucky us, right? Because Spielberg went on to cast Quan in The Goonies, and without that, my friends, we never would have had the delight of seeing Data trying out his ‘slick shoes’ or accidentally punching himself in the face with a go-go-gadget boxing glove.

Photo Credit: Giphy

Photo Credit: Giphy

Source – Empire

#3. Lucas wanted Temple of Doom to be much darker because he was going through a dark patch himself.

Photo Credit: Blastr.com

Photo Credit: Blastr.com

According to Lucas, “Part of it was I was going through a divorce, Steven had just broken up, and we were not in a good mood, so we decided on something a little more edgy. It ended up darker than we thought it would be. Once we got out of our bad moods, which went on for a year or two, we kind of looked at it and went, ‘Mmmmm, we certainly took it to the extreme.’ But that’s kind of what we wanted to do, for better or worse.”

Source – Empire

#2. The PG-13 rating was created by Spielberg because of Temple of Doom.

Photo Credit: Youtube/MovieClips

Photo Credit: Youtube/MovieClips

Spielberg received a lot of criticism for the PG ratings on Jaws, Temple, and Gremlins, so he got with the head of the Motion Picture Association, Jack Valenti, and told him that there should be a rating between PG and R.

Valenti agreed, and the new rating was created.

Source – Vanity Fair

#1. Tom Selleck was originally cast as Indy.

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

^That’s an excerpt from Selleck’s screen test. They offered him the role and even left it open for him for a month.

However, CBS wasn’t letting Selleck out of his contract for a new show they were putting out called “Magnum P.I.”

Source – Business Insider

h/t: Buzzfeed