
5 More Riddles to Sharpen Your Wits

Image Credit: Pixabay

There are never enough riddles in a day, right? If you feel the same way, tackle these 5 great ones and feel your mind sharpen up like a new pencil!

#5. The bicycle race.

Continue reading for the answer!

#5. How many cyclists were competing?

Continue reading for another tricky riddle!

#4. A house full of kids.

Continue reading for the answer!

#4. How can half of 7 children be boys?

Continue reading for another tricky riddle!

#3. Simple math.

Continue reading for the answer!

#3. How many 25 meter ribbon tapes do you need to cut 200 100cm ribbons?

Continue reading for another tricky riddle!

#2. Here, kitty kitty.

Continue reading for the answer!

#2. What is the mother cat’s name?

Continue reading for another tricky riddle!

#1. Behind your father.

Continue reading for the answer!

#1. How can you stand behind your father while he is standing behind you?

Feel smarter already? I hope so!