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What better way to start your day than making yourself a little smarter than everyone else in the room? Besides coffee, I mean.
Come play!
#5. A rainy day.
Continue reading when you’re ready to check your answer!
#5. What kind of umbrella do most people carry on a rainy day?
Continue reading for another riddle!
#4. What am I?
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#4. What can be touched but not seen, and thrown out but not away?
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#3. What am I?
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#3. What has an eye but cannot see, and is faster than any man alive despite having no limbs?
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#2. A special dress.
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#2. What kind of dress can never be worn?
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#1. How not to crack an egg.
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#1. How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it?
Thanks for playing along!