
5 Tough Brainteasers to Kickstart Your Day

Photo Credit: Pixabay

These puzzles are tough, I’m not going to lie – so maybe fill up your coffee mug before you take a look. Good luck!

#5. Can you solve the 4th equation?

Photo Credit: Twitter

The symbols represent numbers.

Continue reading when you want to check your answer!

#5. If the symbols represent numbers, what is the answer to the 4th equation?

Photo Credit: Twitter

Buckle up – here’s how we get to the answer, which is 16.

We’ll call the shoes S, the cat C, and the whistle W – it’s algebra, folks! Mostly…

The first equation sets up the whole math puzzle. Three pairs of shoes added together equal thirty. S + S + S = 30, so divide 30 by three. Each pair of sneakers represents the number 10. .

So, in the second equation, first sub the shoes out for a 10, and you’ll find out 10 + C + C = 20. Subtract 10 from each side, so C + C = 10. Each cat must represent the number 5.

In the third equation, there are two whistles in each line, but the final one only has one whistle. So 5 + 2W + 2W = 13. If 4W = 8, then each whistle represents the number 2.

But wait – when you plug the numbers in (Sub S + C x W for 10 + 5 x 2) – something goes wrong.

The key is in the cat’s clothes. In the second and third equations, the cat has a whistle around its neck—but not in the last one.

No need to go back and redo all your hard work. Just change the last equation to S + (C – W) x W. Now plug the numbers in: 10 + (5 – 2) x 2. Work your way through it. The equation goes to 10 + (3) x 2, then 10 + 6. Finally, you get 16.


Continue reading for the next teaser!

#4. Which cup would fill with coffee first?

Photo Credit: Twitter

Continue reading when you want to check your answer!

#4. Which cup would fill with coffee first? (Hopefully mine!)

Photo Credit: Twitter

Cup #5 will fill first – if you look closely, the pipes that lead to all of the other cups are blocked off at one point or another.

Continue reading for the next teaser!

#3. How many triangles are in this picture?

Photo Credit: Facebook

Continue reading when you want to check your answer!

#3. Did you count all of the triangles?

Photo Credit: Facebook

The answer is 25.

There are six triangles in each of the four rows, plus the main triangle. Some even included the one in the artist’s signature and the word “triangle. Click this link if you need help seeing the rest!

Continue reading for the next teaser!

#2. What disappears when you say its name?

Photo Credit: Facebook

Continue reading when you want to check your answer!

#2. Did you figure it out?

Photo Credit: Facebook

The answer is silence.

Continue reading for the next teaser!

#1. What five numbers come next?

Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest

Continue reading when you want to check your answer!

#1. Did you figure out the order of the next five numbers?

Photo Credit: Reader’s Digest

The numbers are 1-19, but what order do the last 5 go in?

The key is in how the numbers are spelled – they’re in alphabetical order. So the answer is 10, 13, 3, 12, and 2.

How many did you get right? Make sure and check back the next time you’re in need of some mental stimulation!