
6 Brain Teasers That Might Require Your Thinking Cap

Image Credit: Pixabay

You might have to take your time to get to the bottom of these 6 brain teasers, but your mind will thank you if you do!

6. Hint: It’s not a pot of gold. Probably.

5. That’s a lot of eyes.

4. There aren’t as many as you’d think.

3. A battle of wits.

2. This is a tough one.

1. Ouch.

Continue reading to check your answers!

6. What is at the end of the rainbow?

5. What has 6 faces and 21 eyes, but still can’t see a thing?

4. What 7-letter word is spelled the same way backward and forward?

3. In a battle, the king hands his queen over to the enemy in order to win the battle. If she would have stayed, they would have lost. Why?

2. What holds memories but has no brain (or hard drive)?

1. What can hurt without moving, poison without touching, and can do the same damage no matter how large or small?

Did you solve them all? Thanks for playing along!