
6 Surprising Downsides to Being Extremely Intelligent

#3. You understand everything you don’t understand.

Image Credit: Greg Denning

Photo Credit: Greg Denning

User Mike Farkas says that “intelligence is a curse when the more you know, the more you feel the less you know.”

Basically, super-smart people understand that it’s impossible to ever know everything. It’s backed up by a classic study that found the less intelligent you are, the more you overestimate your ability to gather knowledge – and that the opposite is also true.

#2. It can be difficult to understand the value of hard work.

Image Credit: News.com

Photo Credit: National Features

One study found a negative correlation between the desire to work hard and intelligence level. Put simply, people who are smart (and figure this out at a young age) often never have to work to succeed as much as their peers. This can lead to disappointment down the line, as they might be able to achieve more if they understood the benefits of putting in extra time and effort.

#1. You’re likely to overthink things.

Image Credit: Life Hacker

Photo Credit: Life Hacker

One of the more common complaints from the survey is all of the time spent analyzing things. The harder we think about the world around us, the people in it, and the future of both, the more depressing it can get. User Akash Ladha explains, “You realize…that nothing really means anything. You search for answers and it drives you crazy.”

Backing up this sentiment is a 2015 study that found that verbal intelligence is linked to excessive worry and rumination. It can also slow the decision-making process to a standstill.

h/t: IFLScience

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