If you attended a traditional college or university, chances are that you had at least one horrible roommate experience along the way. I was lucky enough to find a good one that lasted, but there was also that one…
You know the one. She’s the girl who’s schedule was completely opposite of yours, who liked to keep the room how you didn’t, and so you both talked all kinds of shit about each other.
All in all, that’s annoying but normal. Not like these 9 Buzzfeed users, who tell stories of NYC roommates being annoying and weird and downright awful (but sometimes still funny) on a whole new level.
9. This is a big ol’ NOPE
8. I have a lot of questions
7. Nope. I’m not cleaning up anyone’s vomit but my own, my dog’s, and possibly my kid’s.
6. Andddd, I just threw up in my mouth
5. I think I would have changed my name, too
4. Girlfriend waited wayyyyyyy longer to kick this guy than I would have
3. Okay, but you really should spey/neuter your pets
2. Was it not weird enough that he was chatting with you through the door?
1. I honestly just feel sorry for the pig
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