
15 People Who Are Not Very Good Spellers

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Want some Chicken Permission? How about reading some Shakes Pier?

Bottom line: people are pretty dumb. And you might be one of them!

Check out these hilarious misspellings that’ll make you shake your head.

1. Bone jaw!

“Bone jaw”
byu/IShotTheMH370 inBoneAppleTea

2. Wow

Shakes pier… REALLY?!
byu/birdieprince inBoneAppleTea

3. Can’t Elope

Lonely Tennessee Melons Can’t Elope
byu/FartyHavarti inBoneAppleTea

4. Do it for Allah

Allah cart
byu/gordoncrisp inBoneAppleTea

5. Sounds delicious

I’m starving, boutta go grab some cow zones from the pizza place
byu/EdRosenbruins inBoneAppleTea

6. Sounds like a good flick

The one with groot
byu/En9rgy inBoneAppleTea

7. Ahhhh, yes…

Ah yes, the tender flaming yawn.
byu/wcollins260 inBoneAppleTea

8. Totally in golfed

Notre Dame is in golfed
byu/mcgoogus inBoneAppleTea

9. Yummmmmm

[deleted by user]
by inBoneAppleTea

10. They sure are

They are cinnamons!
byu/cloudish94 inBoneAppleTea

11. Walfus

the leggo my eggo things
byu/Shxcking inBoneAppleTea

12. Hahahaha

[legit] tinnitus
byu/W1TH1N inBoneAppleTea

13. Oh no

And the “world’s greatest typo” award goes to…
byu/Captain_B infunny

14. Either one is fine


15. Unreal

The irony.
byu/BlazefireSaber infunny

Those are hysterical.