
New ‘Beauty & The Beast’ Series on Disney+ Presents Gaston’s Story

Photo Credit: Walt Disney Studio

Oh, all you Gaston fans out there are in for a treat! The Hollywood Reporter published an exclusive last week about the new Beauty & The Beast prequel slated for a spot in the Disney + lineup.

Luke Evans and Josh Gad will reprise their 2017 movie roles as Gaston and LeFou for the series that will give the duo’s origin story. It’s possible Emma Watson and Dan Steven will make guest appearances in their original roles as Belle and the Beast too.

The untitled six-episode musical series will start back in time well before Belle steps into the storyline. It will also help build the world of the original tale.

The live-action movie from 2017 was based on the animated film from 1991. Evans played Gaston, a hunter, who although handsome was an ego-maniac with his sights set on marrying Belle. Gad played Gaston’s buffoon-sidekick.

The film’s director Bill Condon told Attitude, he reimagined LeFou as an openly gay character who was conflicted in his feelings for Gaston. But the scenes fell flat and audience members were left looking for something more frank. After the movie’s debut, Evans said Gaston’s relationship with LeFou was always about an authentic friendship and nothing more.

We’ll be watching to see how the characters’ friendship evolved before Belle captured Gaston’s heart and thwarted his advances.

Characters, even antagonists, are always better when they are fleshed out with hopes, desires and conflicts of their own.