
This Guy’s Bike Ride From Poo Point (Washington) to Pee Pee Creek (Ohio) Was All for Charity

Image Credit: Ruben Lopez

Most of us want to find the way we can do good, can give back to the world around us and those less fortunate.

We have to find our thing, the outlet that gets us the most attention and the most support – and therefore, earns support and attention for our passionate causes.

And judge this guy all you want, but if there’s one thing that’s universally true in this world, talking about one’s bodily functions as a joke is always popular.

Ruben Lopez (@rubydrummr on Twitter) is a Chicago-based musician and cyclist who promised to bike from Poo Poo Point in Washington to Pee Pee Creek in Ohio in exchange for charity support. In order to make it, he would have to traverse over 2500 miles and spend 36 days camping out under the stars.

To raise the hilarity stakes even further, Lopez promised to go 69 miles every day and take pictures of all the irreverent signs along the way.

He delivered, too, riding just the 69 miles – “not a mile more, not a mile less” – every day, and posting pictures of his, ahem, memorable sights along the way.

While the humor factor in this story is high, what’s important is that Lopez was making the trip to raise both money and awareness for the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. He’s raised more than $7,000 to donate for the Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation, which “provides help and support to the neediest families in Yemen who have suffered from a devastating war since 2015.”

And he’s not done yet.

Next up, the trek from Pee Pee Creek, Ohio, to Pee Pee Island, Newfoundland.

He’s the hero we all need, clearly, but none so much as the people suffering in Yemen.

Donate if you can!