
People Share When They Decide It’s Time to Stop Being Messy and Clean Up the House

If there’s one thing that really drives me nuts, it’s sharing my space with a messy person.

I like to live in a clean house and keep things looking good, so when someone messes up my space, I get mad. REALLY MAD.

So, to all the messy folks out there: when do you decide that it’s time to finally clean up?

Here’s what people had to say on AskReddit.

1. Better late than never.

“When it’s midnight and I can’t sleep and I get a sudden burst of inspiration mixed with existential crisis.

That is when I tidy.”

2. Yup.

“My buddy’s always had the joke that nobody cleans more efficiently than a dude who thinks he might get laid.”

3. Double cleaning.

“We have a lady come clean our house every 2 weeks.

I have to clean the night before she comes so she doesn’t think we are total slobs.”

4. Seems like a good time.

“When there’s something else that I REALLY don’t want to do, like taxes, I suddenly spring clean.

That’s the only time furniture is moved to clean everything.”

5. Running out of room.

“When I don’t have any room to put more stuff to.

Like on the desk, night stand, the chair.

My floor is mostly clean though.”

6. Don’t do what I do.

“When my desk was full of garbage I used to put more stuff on it by pushing it onto the front edge.

Stuff would fall of the back.

Kids… don’t live like that.

It takes like two minutes to fill a garbage bag.”

7. Sounds kind of extreme.

“If I look for something I need and have to remove mess in order to get to it.

Then I get drunk and clean fu**ing everything for hours.”

8. Fakin’ it!

“Whenever company is coming over.

Gotta maintain the facade that I’m a clean, tidy individual.”

9. I can’t live like this.

“I just walk in from work and go “what the f**k”.

It’s not a specific level of messiness, it just becomes clear and I can’t live with it anymore.”

10. Mixed emotions.

“I usually have a momentary pause and think “this is depressing”

I’ll then clean up for an hour and think “I hate doing this s**t, it’s close enough now.””

11. I’m gonna use this one.

“I don’t know, there is a point that I call ‘critical mess’ where I just have to tidy up.

I can’t define what ‘critical mess’ is, but I know it when I see it.”

12. The time is now!

“When I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and accidentally trip on whatever clusterf**k in covering my entire bedroom floor be it clothes or shoes or textbooks like that one time.

Yeah, when I can’t walk around in my own house… time to stop being so damn lazy.

13. Inconvenienced.

“When the inconvenience of having stuff everywhere outweighs the convenience of having most things I use all the time out and within easy reach.”

How do you decide when it’s time to clean up your place?

Talk to us in the comments.

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