
Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Not Going to His Sister’s Child-Free Wedding

Uh oh…it’s another story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page about a child-free wedding…

These tales pop up from time to time and all I can tell you is that they BRING THE DRAMA.

And I’m sure this one won’t be any different!

Read on to see what the heck is going on here and if this guy is acting like an a**hole.

AITA for not going to my sister’s “child-free” wedding?

“My sister is getting married next month to my best friend. She always wanted a nice snow wedding in the cabins we used to go to when we were in school. Everything was going fine until she told me it was a child free wedding.

Now, that would be fine with my wife and I because we would just drop of my son and daughter at my wife’s parents or with their godparents, but my sister had asked them to be the ring bearer and the flower girl.

Apparently, they want the kids to perform their duties at the wedding but then not attend the reception. That means either my wife or I will have to be there with them alone in the cabin while everyone is “partying it up”, but wait, I’m the best man and will be conducting the reception so it’s just going to be my wife.

What about food? My mom will give my wife 20 minutes to come in, grab some plates with food and come back because the mother of the bride can’t be missing for too long.

So, they expect me to abandon my wife with our kids who are under the age of 7 in a tiny cabin that is not child proof, where the source of heat is a fireplace and there is barely any cell signal. This is the day after driving for 7 hours with said kids.

Not only do I think this is not a safe idea considering it would be the middle of winter, my wife has never been to these cabins and the lack of ability to properly communicate, but also, I think it’s incredibly rude to invite someone to a destination wedding where they are only allowed to attend the wedding.

Although my wife says she can manage (she’s really gullible sometimes and is a little bit of a people pleaser), I refuse. She’s not being treated like a guest but as the babysitter for the ring bearer and flower girl.

I tried to talk to my sister and the jack*** I call my best friend, who always preaches about being there for friends, loyalty and whatnot, but they are not conceding or willing to compromise. I asked if my kids could attend until the toasts, games and food then all four of us would retire to the cabin and let them party, no.

If we could go completely child-free and leave the kids behind, no. If I just attend the wedding and retire to the cabin after the wedding, no. My sister is against all of these ideas while the jack*** has taken a temporary vow of silence.

So, I’m p**sed and said I’m not coming. Which in turn, began the messages and calls from everyone. My family, the groom’s family and their/our friends. My wife has openly said that she can manage this, but I know that’s to keep the peace. My kids are also upset because before asking us, my sister and jack*** asked them first to participate in the wedding and they were really excited because they’re close with both of them.

With all these calls and messages, I feel I’m going crazy and maybe I’m the a**hole instead.

So, AITA?”

Let’s see what Reddit users said about this.

This person said he’s NTA and they have some advice about what he should say to his sister.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user said this whole situation just really confuses them.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said NTA and that his sister and her husband put him in a tough situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

Thanks a lot!