This is who you should really be following on Twitter. Forget about celebrities, athletes, and politicians.
The Thoughts of Dog Twitter account takes you inside the brain of this adorable pooch, and, frankly, reading his thoughts is a lot more enjoyable than reading 99% of literature out there. Enjoy.
1. Truth
2. Zooms!
3. Gary is bae
4. Hear that?
5. Carpet pls
6. Grrrrr
7. Win!
8. Slurp!
9. Do not move
10. Frens!
11. Control
12. Where shoe? Don’t know.
13. ALL the things!
14. You can’t catch me!
15. Me need pats pls
16. Good luck!
17. Heheh, good boy
18. Thunder!
19. Pls give ball back. kthxbai
20. LUVS!
(h/t: smosh)
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