Ah, humanity. Collectively we kind of suck, but on the individual level we can be okay. And despite how it can seem in this world-gone-crazy, we really do have more in common than we think.
The proof is in the pudding, as they say. And in this case, the pudding is these awesomely relatable posts.
#13. You know you have.
#12. There might be nothing more painful.
#11. And you thought it would stop when you were an “adult.”
#10. But let’s be real, it’s still a waste of time.
#9. Literally everyone.
#8. I thought I was the only one.
#7. Never say procrastination doesn’t get you anywhere.
#6. How many times have you made this empty promise?
#5. In the immortal words of George Costanza, “Sometimes a good nap is the only thing getting me out of bed in the morning.”
#4. Anxiety Level: 1000%
#3. Every. Time.
#2. The struggle is so real.
#1. Real life.
(h/t: Buzzfeed)
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