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I know 2019 is still young, but this has the potential to be the coolest story of the year, if you ask me.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, THE PEDDLER.

Photo Credit: Reddit
This anonymous man decided to fight crime (specifically bike theft) in London, England, after his own bike was stolen. He wears a mask and a helmet and is returning stolen bikes from online sellers and cruising the streets to make sure bikes are securely locked up and registered online.

Photo Credit: Imgur
A man shared a story about having his bike stolen in London and later getting a text message from a mystery person who said they had his bike and would return it to him after they arranged a meeting.
Lo and behold, the man known as The Peddler (still in disguise) returned the man’s bike – he had seen it on a website where the thief had put it up for sale. The Peddler said, “I cross-indexed the and Gumtree (the website where it was for sale) and got the same matching description of a bike.” The crimefighter told the thief he could either give him the bike or he’d call the cops on him.
The Peddler even answered questions online from curious and impressed citizens.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit
How cool is this guy?!?! A true superhero!
I’m looking forward to the movie and comic book versions.