
Posts by Adan Mathews

Mom Devises Brilliantly Evil Solution For Daughter That Wouldn’t Clean Her Room By Selling Her Stuff To Her For $25 A Bag

A mother named Alice Velasquez had enough of her teenage daughter’s messy bedroom and decided to come up with the smartest, most evil way to get her to pick up after herself. Velasquez decided to bag up her daughter Tahlia’s entire bedroom into multiple garbage bags and sell each one back to her at $25.00...

People shared the craziest things they ever saw go down at a supermarket. Try not to puke.

Usually when crazy stuff goes down in the supermarket, you have to get real still and pretend you’re shopping while you try to figure out what is going on. Today, thanks to a forum asking Reddit users to share their craziest supermarket stories, everyone gets to hear about what really happened in the produce section, without fear that you’ll be called...

Watch a 9-year-old girl destroy a Navy SEAL training course while you sit on your squishy butt.

This will story will make you feel bad for eating pizza in bed: Milla Bizzotto is a 9-year-old girl who completed BattleFrog’s Xtreme 24-hour Race, a dauntingly long obstacle course that was originally created for US Navy SEALs. Bizzotto weighs only 53 pounds, proving that big things come in small packages. She often uploads pictures and videos of her doing her badass thing to her Instagram page....

Woman tries a scam for free avocados, gets shut down by Woolworths and so many trolls.

A very stupid scam artist reportedly tried to get money out of the Australian grocery chain Woolworths, posting a picture of her rotten avocados on their Facebook page along side a message where she demanded to be reimbursed. The only problem is this—she just stole a picture that had already been posted on the same page about two years earlier. Which...

Sarah Silverman made the perfect party anthem for introverts.

Comedian Sarah Silverman made the perfect party anthem for the type of people who hate party anthems, and it will get you pumped up and ready for a night of not going to the club. The song, titled “Perfect Night,” also features will.i.am of The Black Eyed Peas, and you know he knows a thing or two about infuriatingly poppy party anthems—the guy pretty much provided...

22 people share theirs stories about disastrous weddings they attended.

Marriage is what brings us together, and when people are brought together, disasters occur. We can’t help it—we’re animals. Even (or especially) at a ceremony that represents the civilizing of our baser urges, people get drunk, try to have sex, cry, throw tantrums, fight, have unanticipated bodily functions, and most of all, ruin everything. But...

14 People Who Have No Idea How the Female Body Works

If you ever wondered what people are being taught in their high school health classes nowadays, one thing is for sure—not anything about female anatomy. Beyond thinking that girls pee out of their vaginas or that periods are made out of the blood of dead babies (pretty much every girl will have to teach some...

The 11 worst tales from retail that will make you happy you work at a desk.

Working retail is an often thankless job—working weekends, being on your feet for long hours, and dealing with the worst people humanity has to offer. On the subreddit Tales from Retail, retail workers come together to do something that is usually done the other way around: they complain about their customers, who might be at...

Kristen Bell has somehow kept her wedding photos from 2013 secret until now.

Even though Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard try to keep things as private as possible, Kristin finally chose to show some pictures from their 2013 courthouse wedding.​ CBS Sunday Morning interviewed Kristen Bell about what it’s like to be Kristen Bell, and the whole thing was as lovable and endearing as she is. Bell broke...

80-year-old woman gets amazing makeup transformation from her (probably) favorite grandkid.

If you’re going to turn 80 (and it’s recommended that you at least try), the best way to do it is with an incredible makeup artist for a granddaughter. This is 80-year-old grandma Livia, from Croatia: See the resemblance? Tea Flego’s Instagram account is filled with amazing transformations, but hands down the best are the...

Your wedding day might suck, and that’s okay.

“You look tired.” Those were the words a well-meaning relative said to me minutes after I walked down the aisle and married my husband in front of our family and friends. Not “You look radiant” or “I’m blinded by your ecstatic joy” or “Truly, you are a vision in white,” but “You look tired.” The...

Train Driver Has Three Seconds to Warn Passengers They’re About to Hit a Truck…And He Gets It Done

You’re driving a train full of passengers when you see this: F********ck. (Click here for a GIF version) What do you do? With only three seconds to warn his passengers, a Polish train engineer ran through the cars, yelling for everyone to brace themselves, barely leaving enough time for him to save himself. Miraculously, no...

13 temporarily dead people open up about what it was like to be dead for a little while.

Death: it is the ultimate unknowable. Unless—like these zombies and/or resuscitated people who shared their stories on reddit—you die during surgery or in a car accident and then are miraculously brought back. Whether or not these people were able to accurately remember being dead is debatable—on account of forming memories being something a living person...

How to tell if you’re a garbage human.

Does your sense of personal cleanliness always seem a little more “relaxed” than everyone else’s? Did you ever buy socks and underwear to avoid doing laundry? Have you ever shown up to work to find your desk cordoned off by crime scene tape? It’s possible you might be a garbage human. Take this quiz to...

This Chart of 128 Words To Use Instead of “Very” Is a Writer’s Best Friend

Writing is hard, and writing without repeating yourself is very, very hard — and as you may have already noticed, one of the most repeated words in English is the intensifying modifier “very.” That’s why the website ProofreadingServices.com created this chart of 128 words you can use instead of placing “very” in front of a...